  • 學位論文


Impact and Opportunity of Taiwan non-commercial Fish Port’s Development - Hsinchu Fishing Port as Example

指導教授 : 林博文


臺灣地理位置特殊,地處太平洋、巴士海峽與臺灣海峽之中,加上氣候溫暖(以北屬於亞熱帶季風氣候,以南則屬熱帶季風氣候)與東西地理環境差異(西部平坦、東部陡峭)等緣故,使得臺灣享有極為豐富的海洋資源。四面環海的臺灣,漁業成為早期臺灣賴以維生的重要產業。臺灣漁業的發展最早可追溯至宋朝,而在數百年的發展下,臺灣諸島雖然僅有1,520公里的海岸線,卻設有224處漁港,分佈之綿密可說明漁港對於臺灣產經發展之重要。 臺灣漁業曾經飛黃騰達過,甚至成為全球六大公海捕魚國之一,但隨著臺灣產業結構轉型、全球氣候變遷與新興國家競爭等狀況發生,有限的海洋資源面對更多漁船的捕撈已有不堪負荷的情況,臺灣的漁村就業人口也正逐漸萎縮,曾經繁華一時的漁港轉眼變成乏人問津,加上深植於民眾對漁港的髒亂印象,更是加速漁港與漁村的沒落。因此臺灣中央政府於82年訂定「娛樂漁業管理辦法」,將海上休閒納入漁業中,正式開啟我國娛樂漁業發展,希望透過本法促進傳統漁村與漁港能夠因此轉型而持續發展下去。 為發揮示範效果,行政院農委會漁業署於民國98年度開始舉辦十大魅力漁港的票選活動,其中有部分漁港可以年年得獎,也有漁港只是曇花一現,說明臺灣現在觀光漁港的競爭激烈程度。故本研究希望透過文獻探討,並加上數個國內外成功經營觀光漁港的案例進行,再挑選新竹漁港為個案研究對象,希望能夠藉此找出臺灣目前發展觀光漁港的困境,並提出未來發展建議。 研究中發現,新竹市政府確實為了發展新竹漁港的觀光,提供觀光客重視的交通建設,也提供美食與主題活動等等,也因此讓新竹漁港曾經獲選過十大魅力漁港,然而在其它漁港的競爭之下,一年後又跌出十大魅力漁港之外。深究根本原因,漁港發展不易引起當地居民共鳴,地方政府有出錢才願意投入,否則多會抱持觀望的態度,在缺乏群心群力的條件下,即便每年舉辦主題性活動,也缺乏與周邊資源的串連,更遑論搭配活動的持續推陳出新。建議地方政府在進行觀光漁港的發展規劃時,應該把整個地區的納入,而非單單只以漁港做為目標,這將牽涉到與當地居民之間的溝通與回饋機制,透過這些機制凝聚整體共識,才會有自主創新的持續發生,也才能夠持續吸引觀光客前來消費。


Special location of Taiwan, around the Pacific, Bashi Channel and Taiwan Strait that with a warm climate subtropical monsoon climate in North and the south of the tropical monsoon climate that has abundant marine resources. Only 1,520 km of coastline in Taiwan, but it has 224 fishing port. It’s importance of the Taiwan’s fish port development in hundreds of years. The fishery of Taiwan had a meteoric rise to become one of six countries of Marin in Global. As Taiwan’s industrial restructuring, climate change and the competition of emerging countries, limited marine resource is running out of time to fish. The working population become shrunk in the fishing village of Taiwan. The messy environment causes the fallen of fishing ports and villages. The Taiwan government formulates the management of fishing industry in 2003. It starts the development of recreational fishing industry by developing marine leisure activities. We hope the traditional fishing village and port could continue developing through this regulation. Since 2009, The Fisheries Agency Council of Agriculture began to organize the most charming fishing port of voting, that fierce competition sightseeing fishing port. Based on research and several successful cases of internal and foreign countries, we will pick up Hsinchu fishing port to our studying, we wish we could get rid of stormy waters and submit practical suggestions in the future. In the case study shows that Hsinchu City government provides good transport facilities, food and topical activity in order to develop the sightseeing of Hsinchu Fishing Port which had been voted one of the attractional fishing ports. However, failed out attraction sports under the competition of other fishing ports. The basic reason is the development of fishing port can’t attract local residents. They will be not on the fence without subsidizing the funding. We suggest city government should take all ranges into consider, not only fish port when they plan the construction. The communication and feedback will be involved in the policy. The creation could continue to appealing to through the serious new policy.


3. 李宜恬,開放式創新理論應用於台灣農產品之探討-以麻豆文旦柚為例,國立清華大學科技管理學院 經營管理在職專班碩士論文,民國101年7月。
4. 林韋丞,觀光地區遊客運具之選擇偏好-以臺灣好行日月潭線為例,國立交通大學交通運輪研究所碩士論文,民國101年6月。
一、 中文類:
1. 尹萍,海洋台灣,天下雜誌發行,台北市,1993年6月15日
2. 吳歆雅,社區取向藝術教育課程之探討---以新竹市南寮漁村為例,民國98年。
