  • 學位論文

開放式創新理論應用於台灣農產品之探討- 以麻豆文旦柚為例

The Application of Open Innovation Theory in Taiwan's Agricultural Products-A Case Study on the Madou Pomelos

指導教授 : 林哲群


台灣在數十年以來的經濟發展過程中,農業扮演著舉足輕重的角色,然而台灣農業在近60年來,經歷了工業化、專業化、高科技時代、國際化到現在網路電子商務世代以及與非農業體系互動的發展過程,帶給台灣農業體系很大的轉變。自民國91年元月正式加入世界貿易組織(WTO)成為會員之後緊接而來的是無可避免的全球競爭壓力,台灣農業受到的劇烈的進口衝擊,使得小農、小規模經濟體難以獲利而成為附庸。 台灣農業屬於小農制的國家,目前藉由農會所組成的產銷班組織方式來整合農戶,而台灣農會縱然有龐大組織,可惜組織間各自為政很難形成整合的優勢,眼看著各大國內及國際及通路業者都已形成了大者恆大的優勢,如何透過開放式創新的應用於農業經營管理整合在地農民及政府資源尋找核心競爭力,進而能價值創造(Value creation)、價值分配(Value distribution),以及網絡管理(Network management)的開放式創新模式,建立品牌、開發通路進而進入國際開放的自由競爭市場將會是未來農業能成功對抗激烈競爭環境的重要關鍵。 本研究以紐西蘭奇異果成功開放式創新價值鏈案例,來探討研擬麻豆文旦柚價值鏈的可行模式以及經營策略,根據本研究發現:(1)麻豆文旦柚應以企業化制度建立文旦柚策略聯盟,讓農民與策略聯盟間共生共利,提昇文旦柚產業價值;(2)以行銷為導向來建構生產管理系統,掌握通路才能掌握市場(3)重新定位文旦柚,研發其衍伸商品,將其商品化提高麻豆文旦柚的價值性(4)建立品牌,創造產品的附加價值,有助於升級麻豆文旦柚的產業、增進營運獲利模式。


In Taiwan’s economic development, agriculture has been playing an important role for decades. However, due to industrialization, specialization, the advent of high-technology, and the international network of e-commerce with the non-development of agricultural systems in the past 60 years, there has been a big change in Taiwan’s agricultural system. Since January 1991, the Republic of China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), the inevitable pressure from the global competition has had an impact on Taiwan agricultural importing products making small-scale farmers difficult to gain expected amounts of profit. Taiwan has a smallholder agricultural system, production and marketing of agricultural classes organized by groups. These groups integrate farmers into farmers' associations. Although Taiwan has a considerable amount of associations, it is still difficult to form inter-organizational integration. The major domestic, international, and chained operators have gained more advantages when applying for agricultural management. Through the integration of open innovation to farmers, government resources and core competitiveness have been established so that the value creation, value distribution, and network management will be open to free competition. This is a key for future agriculture to succeed in the fierce competitive environments. In this study, through the success of New Zealand kiwifruit opening innovation value, we explored a viable value of Madou pomelos and developed several business strategies. The findings showed the following: 1.Enterprise systems of Madou pomelos have established strategic alliances between farmers and the benefits which enhance the industrial value of Madou pomelos 2.A marketing-oriented production management system could enhance the channel control of the market 3.Research and development of repositioning pomelos and the extension of value-added products could improve the value of commercialization 4.Through an establishment of the Madou pomelos, a variety of brands could upgrade Madou pomelos industry increasing the operating profits.


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6.行政院農業委員會 (2002~2013),農業統計年報。
4.孫智麗、楊玉婷、陳政忻、朱鴻鈞(2012),「從Open Innovation觀點建立農業品牌與營運模式:產業聯盟與整合型農企業案例分析」,農業生技產業季刊,No.30,台灣經濟研究院
1. 行政院農委會網站,www.coa.gov.tw


