  • 學位論文

中國手機廠商經營品牌之挑戰與策略建議 -以小米為例

Marketing Strategy of Chinese Smartphone Brands – A Case Study of Xiaomi

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


在2007年時蘋果推出了第一代iPhone,當時全美國有上千名蘋果發燒友為搶購iPhone在蘋果專賣店與AT&T零售店門口提前好幾天排隊,甚至有媒體稱這款智慧型手機為「Jesus phone」,蘋果不僅引發了智慧型手機熱潮,也為智慧型手機產業帶來了劃時代的科技革命。自此開始,傳統智慧型手機國際品牌大廠三星、LG、Sony,台灣品牌HTC,中國國產品牌華為、聯想、中興、酷派,以及近期興起的後起之秀,小米、TCL、魅族、VIVO、OPPO、金立等,如雨後春筍般相繼崛起,一一投入了智慧型手機產業,引發了一場產業技術規格及商業模式的戰爭。 在這些智慧型手機品牌之中,興起盛衰變化快速,而中國的智慧型手機品牌挾持著龐大的內需市場,及政府的政策支持及補貼方案,與完整、彈性靈活、應變快速的產業供應鏈,以及強大的創新能力,迅速崛起,至2014年的短短六~七年間已佔據全球前十大智慧手機品牌中的其中六席。在這些品牌當中,大部分品牌皆以產品的規格差異化做為顧客價值訴求,但是小米卻以創新的商業模式及行銷策略,在產業中引發一股「小米旋風」,使小米在推出第一代小米機後短短的兩年半間,便在2014年躍居全球智慧型手機品牌第六大市佔率。 因此,本研究將先從外部的一般環境分析及產業五力分析來了解目前產業概況,再向內延伸至小米內部的創新商業模式分析及行銷策略分析以確認小米的核心競爭優勢,並且以智慧型手機產業中之領導品牌蘋果作為標竿比較,綜合上述分析為基礎,提出小米在產業中的優劣勢與機會及威脅,最後針對小米如何贏得更多消費者認同擴大市佔率、提升小米的品牌形象及品牌影響力,提出策略建議。


In 2007, Apple launched the first generation of “I-Phone”, and there were thousands of Apple Fans in US queued for buying in front of the Apple Store and AT&T for days, even some of the media called it “Jesus Phone”. Apple not only raised the fanaticism of smart phone, but also initiated the technology revolution in the mobile phone industry. Afterwards, the legacy global mobile phone brands, such as Samsung, LG, Sony, and HTC, also the China local brands, like Hua-Wei, Lenovo, ZTE, and CoolPad, even including the emerging brands, XiaoMi, MeiZu, ViVo, OPPO, and Gionee, were all jumping into the smart phone industry, and starting the war of industrial standards and business model. It rises and falls so dramatically in those smart phone brands, however, the China makers are growing rapidly through the tremendous domestic market demand, the government’s subsidies and supports, the complete supply chain, and the intensive innovations. There were 6 of the top 10 worldwide smart phone makers were China brands in just 6 to 7 years by 2014. Most of them were appealing their customer values by the product differentiation, but XiaoMi caused the so-called “XiaoMi whirlwind” by its innovative business models and marketing strategies. It ranked the world’s sixth largest smart phone makers in 2014, after the release of their first generation of smart phone in just two and a half years. This research starts with the external environmental analysis and “Porter’s Five Forces Model” to come out a general industry overview, and extends with XiaoMi’s innovative business models and marketing strategies to verify their core competence thoroughly. Also, we benchmark with the leading smart phone brand, Apple, to generate XiaoMi’s SWOT analysis, and finally propose the strategic recommendations for how to win more customer trust to enhance the market share, brand image and influence.


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