  • 學位論文


Design of health-village based on traditional Chinese medicine

指導教授 : 陳新 張翔


近年來高齡化已成為全世界不得不重視的議題,健康醫療的負擔比重在政府的預算中也不斷提高,如何讓國民更健康活著是政府的重要課題,而在健康村中讓村民更健康快樂尊嚴地活著並減低人們在離開人世前臥病在床的時間也是健康村設計的迫切問題。 有鑑於現代醫療資源的濫用、醫療資源分配不均、健保制度的黑洞、病人日漸式微的尊嚴、日漸失去的健康,由於健康村的設計與村民的作息、飲食、活動息息相關,而傳統中醫和西醫對於健康的想法也不太一樣,因此本論文首先比較中西醫之差異及優劣,從兩者不同的診斷、治療、成果以及經費支出四個方面來比較。經由比較的結果,知道兩者因哲學觀點不同而無法結合。本論文將提出第一套完整的以傳統中醫為基礎之健康村架構,它是一個不僅好用 、有效、省錢、還可以讓病人開心、對環境友好的中醫健康村解決方案。 在本論文中也將會把不同的西醫以及中醫的健康村相互比較,最後的結論是:傳統中醫健康村的廣泛採行將能造福更多地方的人民,長者可以在自己熟悉的地方得到最完善的照護。透過一連串的課程讓每個人有機會成為自己最好的醫生。不只對高齡族群對任何一個年齡層的人只要生病不舒服了都可以得到很好的醫療服務,用最少的醫療資源達到最好的健康品質。健康村完全本於傳統中醫的概念將可以達到只有老死的沒有病死的的最高境界。


中醫 針灸 健康老化 中醫健康村


In the past decade, the rapid aging population and rising healthcare cost had become two of the most debated topics among government bodies and scholars. This thesis will focus on the discussion of resolving the above two concerns with our proposed health-village based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Ultimately promoting healthy aging among the elderly generation, coupled with the massive reduction in healthcare cost for the individual and government bodies. The current healthcare system in Taiwan especially has been facing severe unequal distribution of healthcare resources and in some cases, abused by individuals and healthcare agencies to exploit the monetary rebate offered by the government policies. The accumulation of such unscrupulous practice has caused Taiwan to have one of the world’s highest GDP to healthcare cost ratio. In the long run, this is definitely not the smartest and most sustainable model to engage in solving the problem of an aging population and rising healthcare cost. In this thesis, we propose an alternative solution. Our health-village will adopt TCM and traditional Chinese exercises – including Tai Chi, to allow the elderly to age healthily and happily. First, we start off by discussing the differences in philosophy to methodology between TCM and Western medicine. Next, we layout the fundamentals of our proposed health-village. After which, we move on to discuss and compare the benefits and side-effects of both TCM and Western medicine. Lastly, we conclude that our health-village based on TCM is highly beneficial and adaptable for the mass public and any country. It not only gives any elderly or sick patient a solution to full recovery, but is also beneficial and sustainable in the allocation of resources for a country in the long run.


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