  • 學位論文


A Study on Constructing the Service Quality Indicators of Private Preschool – A Case Study of Zhubei City.

指導教授 : 陳殷哲


近年來,由於家庭結構及社會型態改變,雙薪家庭增長,致使家庭照顧幼兒能力下降,需借助外來組織提供托育服務,分擔照顧幼兒的壓力,致學齡前教育產業蓬勃發展。學齡前教育階段是幼兒學習的關鍵期,也是最具可塑性的,故學齡前教育之服務品質自當受到各界的重視,教育部於101年啟動幼托整合政策,將原有之「托兒所」及「幼稚園」合併統稱為「幼兒園」,以服務2歲至入國民小學前幼兒,並訂定幼兒教育及照顧法及其他多達20項子法,以保障幼兒就讀權益。但當教育變為服務業,學生及家長成了顧客,受到少子化浪潮的影響以及家長選擇權與品質意識提升的情形下,各私立幼兒園惟有不斷提升服務品質,才能吸引家長願意讓孩子就讀。 新竹縣竹北市外移人口急速增加,其人口成長率自民國95年底的11萬9,720人至105年底的17萬6,604人,十年內增加約47.51%,不同於其他地區受到人口外移及少子化影響,竹北地區人口數反而逆勢成長,因竹北地區鄰近新竹工業科學園區,交通便利,移入之人口多為因工作關係移至竹北地區的雙薪小家庭,而托育需求亦隨之增加,據統計,105年度竹北地區公私立幼兒園之設置占全縣之三成五,其中私立幼兒園即佔了該地區之八成,顯見私立幼兒園在此地區設置之興盛。在這個競爭的幼教市場中,各幼兒園如何發展自身特色及提升服務品質,足以在此生存,為本研究動機之一 本研究先以文獻分析方式找出幼兒園服務品質內涵,運用修正式德菲法,以「政府部門人員(各縣市主管學前教育業務之科長)、幼兒園園長、教保服務人員以及家長」為研究專家對象,建構私立幼兒園服務品質指標要素架構;續將竹北市私立幼兒園收費額度區分為三種不同服務品質模式類型,並以各類「私立幼兒園園長、教保服務人員以及家長」為模糊層級分析問卷填答對象,以模糊層級分析法(FAHP)進行各類中各項服務品質要素權重分析,並進行三種不同服務品質模式之探討,藉以發現其服務品質差異。研究結果顯示三種類型之私立幼兒園各項服務品質要素之重要性截然不同,考量其原因除各自幼兒園所發展之特色不同,隨著家長所具之學歷及社經地位背景之不同,對於幼兒園所提供服務之期待及需求也有所不同;惟幼兒園業者受限於中央及地方教育主管機關對於幼兒園運作所訂定之眾多相關法令,其所提供之服務內涵必須在符合法令規範下,進而迎合家長需求提供教保服務。 依據本研究結果建議竹北市各類型私立幼兒園可加強包含師資專業、硬體設置以及對幼兒之個別關懷等面向,以提升幼兒園之服務品質;此外並建議中央及地方政府部門應善盡監督及輔導之責任,讓私立幼兒園於符合法令規範下,提供教保專業知能研習或進修之機會,以提升教保服務品質;家長於選擇幼兒園時,建議可親自到幼兒園實地瞭解各該園之辦學理念、課程規劃以及師資之專業性,並觀察幼兒園所營造出的學習氛圍,行走動線及設施設備是否具安全性,提供之餐點是否符合基本營養需求等,選擇最適合幼兒之就學環境。最後並建議未來研究方向可以探討竹北市以外之鄉鎮區域內之私立幼兒園或公立幼兒園之服務品質差異,以及後續可全然以家長(消費者)立場探討私立幼兒園之服務品質良窳。


In recent years, due to the change in family makeup and social structure, the number of double-income families has been increasing. It leads to the reduction of the family’s ability of taking care of children on their own. Parents then have to get help from external organizations to provide them with daycare services to lessen the pressure in this regard. Thus, the industry of preschool education has been flourishing. The preschool phase is not only critical but also promising in children’s learning. Given its importance, the service quality of preschool education is definitely taken seriously by all accounts. The Ministry of Education started the policy of integrating the nursery with kindergarten in 2012, making these two collectively called preschool, which is to serve preschool children from two years old to the elementary school age. Several laws, such as Early Childhood Education and Care Act Law and twenty Sub-laws, are meant to protect the learning rights of preschool children. That said, when education has taken on the essence of the service industry, the students and parents are regarded as customers. Considering the impact brought by low birth rate, parents’right of choosing preschools and the rising awareness of quality, all private preschools have to enhance their service quality to attract parents for their final vote. There has been a dramatic increase of immigrant population in Zhubei City, Hsinchu County, with its growth rate from one hundred and nineteen thousands, seven hundred twenty in 2006 to one hundred and seventy-six thousands, six hundred and four in 2016. The increase has been 47.51% in a decade. Such a phenomenon differs from that in other areas which have been affected by population migration and low birth rate. In other words, the population growth is the opposite of this trend in Zhubei City thanks to the job opportunities provided by companies in Hsinchu Science Park Bureau, Ministry of Science and Technology, and the convenience of transportation, Double-income families move in here because of work availability and that the need of daycare services is also rising. According to the statistics in 2016, the total number of public and private preschools combined in Zhubei City made up 35% of that in the entire county,80% of which were private ones. Obviously, the private preschools were prospering in this particular area. In this competitive market of early childhood education, how to showcase preschools’ features and to promote their service quality turns out to be the key element for the survival of preschools , which becomes the basis of this research. There were a few steps to achieve the purpose of this study. First, the relevant literature was analyzed for the essence of the service quality of preschool education. Secondly, with the Modified Delphi method, the researcher consulted the supervisors in the government departments in charge of early childhood education, principals and educators of preschools, and parents to construct the module of the service quality indicators of private preschools. Then the private preschools in Zhubei City were categorized into three kinds of service quality types based on their fees. Furthermore, the principals, educators and parents from each respective type were recruited as objects of Fuzzy Hierarchy Analysis Questionnaire. The data was subsequently analyzed by the method of FAHP to explore the differences among of the three models. The results in this study showed that the service of quality and emphasis differed significantly among these three models. The reasons behind such vast differences possibly lie in the expected features each kindergarten aims to present along with the parents’ education background and social status, their expectation and needs of the service provided by preschools. Nevertheless, to provide parents with their preferred preschool care, the owners of preschool still have to abide by numerous laws mandated by central and local governments regarding their operations of preschool. Based on the findings, private preschools of any type aforementioned should strengthen the suggested aspects, such as the professionalism of teachers, physical settings, and individual care of each child, to promote their service quality. Moreover, the local and central governments should take the due responsibility of supervision and counseling, ensuring the private preschools to be guided by the law to provide educators with the chance of enhancing their professional knowledge and to elevate the service quality. On the part of parents, when choosing an appropriate preschool for their children, they are encouraged to visit the site personally to know more about the philosophy, curriculum and professionalism of teachers among available preschools. In addition, they can observe the learning atmosphere, the movement trajectory ,the safety of facilities and equipment, and nutritional content of the food provided to make a wise choice. In the end, there are two directions for future research. One is to apply this module to investigating the differences of service quality in preschools in various locations other than Zhubei City. The other is to rate the service quality entirely from the parents’ perspective.


