  • 學位論文


A Study of The Opinions of Teacher Evaluation System in Chinese Independent High Schools of Malaysia

指導教授 : 顏國樑


本研究旨在探討馬來西亞華文獨中實施教師評鑑之現況,並瞭解華文獨中實施教師評鑑制度之意見與看法,亦探究不同個人背景變項的教育人員之意見差異情形。 本研究採問卷調查法,以馬來西亞華文獨中教育人員為研究對象,採分層隨機抽樣方式,抽取445位教育人員進行調查,共回收388份問卷,回收率為87.19%,回收之有效問卷為367份,可用率為82.47%;所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本平均數t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析,獲得以下研究結果: 一、馬來西亞華文獨中教育人員有七成七認為所服務的學校有實施教師評鑑制度。主要依據校方自訂的教師評鑑指標,所涵蓋的規準是課程設計與教學及班級經營與輔導兩個方面。 二、馬來西亞華文獨中實施教師評鑑的方式大部分以上級—部屬評鑑為主。教師評鑑委員會涵蓋的成員主要以教務主任/副教務主任、校長/副校長及科主任為主。 三、馬來西亞華文獨中是以1~2年實施一次教師評鑑。實施教師評鑑結果的運用大多數作為獎勵優秀教師之依據。 四、馬來西亞華文獨中教育人員對實施教師評鑑制度的評鑑目的與規準之整體看法皆屬於「中上程度重要」。 五、教師評鑑委員會成員的來源需多元且需對教學實務經驗較瞭解者。實施方式以上級—部屬評鑑、教師自我評鑑、同儕評鑑最獲認同與肯定。 六、對教師評鑑結果績優者給予獎金、晉俸或年功加俸;結果欠佳者提供改進建議,加強培訓,並要求限期改善,進行複評。 七、對結果的運用以作為獎勵及教師專業發展與在職進修的參考依據為最受肯定的方式。在實施上的預期困難主要是缺乏專業評鑑的知能、未建立或不完善的教師獎勵制度或教師教學督導機制。 八、馬來西亞華文獨中教育人員認為每隔1~2年實施教師評鑑是最恰當;有八成二讚成實施教師評鑑制度。 本研究根據結論,分別針對馬來西亞華文教育界之教育行政組織、華文獨中學校行政單位、教師及後續研究者提出若干建議。建議教育行政組織整合專業資源,成立教師評鑑委員會。研擬一套適合華文獨中的教師評鑑制度;提供教師評鑑專業知能的培訓。建議學校行政單位邀請教師參與制度的研擬,以達成共識;依據個人的成長歷程給予個別針對性的評鑑規準。


The purpose of the study is to confer the opinions of Chinese Independent High Schools of Malaysia teachers regarding implementing a teacher evaluation system, and provide the results to cultural and educational institutions in Malaysia, elementary schools administrative offices, and teachers, as a reference. A questionnaire was conducted in the study to survey teachers of 60+1 schools in Chinese Independent High Schools of Malaysia. The stratified random sampling was adopted to select 445 teachers and 388 copies of answered questionnaire were received with a response rate of 87.19%. 367 copies of answered questionnaire is valid, the availability rate is 82.47%. Then, researcher analyzes with statistical methods such as Descriptive statistics, t-test, and one-way ANOVA, etc. By analyzing the results of survey and interpretation of the statistical analyses, researcher has concluded some significant findings as follows: 1. 77% of School educators in Malaysia Chinese Independent School agree with there currently working School’s has been implementing a teacher evaluation system.The teacher evaluation system are customize by School authorities. The purposes and principles of Teacher Evaluation Systems in Malaysia Independent Chinese school is curriculum design and teaching and classroom management. 2. The essence of a teacher evaluation program suggested: Superior-subordinate evaluation systems. Teacher Evaluation assembly committee members is director of academic affairs, principal, head of department. 3. The Evaluation program has been take place once every 1-2 years. Given a reward to good performance teachers. 4. The materiality level of purposes and principles teacher evaluation systems by Chinese Independent High School’s educators belongs to the upper level. 5. Teacher evaluation assembly committee members should be from multi-background and representative of that field. A most stakeholders recognize the essence of teacher evaluation program is Superior-subordinate evaluation, teacher self-evaluation, peer-evaluation. 6. About results, teachers with good performance should get rewards; teachers with poor performance should receive additional training. 7. The results of a teacher evaluation system should be flexibly used. The used of results should be based upon its development or encourage and reward to teachers. 8. The implementation period of the teacher evaluation program is 1-2 years. 82% School educators of Chinese Independent School of Malaysia are in favor of a school teacher evaluation system. Based on the above conclusions, the following suggestions are made: Suggestions for the cultural and educational institutions in Malaysia is integrate professional resources to found a teacher evaluation assembly committee. To develop a teacher evaluation program for Chinese Independent Schools of Malaysia. Conduct seminars and build up advanced-study programs to enhance related policies dissemination and communication of teacher evaluation. Suggestions for the administrative offices of elementary schools Invite teachers to participate in the evaluation system draw-up process through formal public discussions. Build up flexible evaluation subjects according to different job functions, and expand the opportunities for teachers.


