  • 學位論文


Determinants of Reverse Mortgage from a Bank perspective

指導教授 : 余士迪




The problem of global population aging in recent years is increasing and became a crisis faced by all countries. However, it also creates business opportunities. Taiwan's market of aging population are expected to generate TWD3.6 trillion dollars in 2025. The banking union is encouraging banking institutions to look into the opportunities of market of aging population and promoting “Reverse Mortgage” in addition to their responsibilities on social responsibility and government welfare. In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey (convenience sampling method) and results show that: (1) Those who hold fixed deposits have a significant impact against the willingness on reverse mortgage application(2) Retirees who rely on government pension have a significant impact against the willingness on reverse mortgage application (3) Group who expecting retirement before age of 55 has a significant impact against the willingness on reverse mortgage application


Reverse Mortgage


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