  • 學位論文


Construction and Analysis of a Game-based and HMD Virtual Reality Learning System for Taipei Tree Frog

指導教授 : 區國良




Environmental education (EV) has been implemented for dozens of years in Taiwan, the goals of EV are waring humans to realize and discuss the issues of environments where we are living in. Most of these EV activities were designed and acted at schools; however, people may have difficulties when learning the environmental knowledge in classroom without observing the real environment in wild. This thesis proposes a situated game of wild environment based on two types of virtual reality technologies(MHD-VR and PC-VR) to motivate learners to learn the related knowledge of Taipei frog. The difference of learning outcomes, the impact of virtual reality, technology acceptance and anxiety are discussed in this research. There are 81 participants divided into two groups. The experimental group uses a HMD Virtual Reality of 40 people, and the control group uses the Desktop Virtual Reality(PC-VR) of 41 people. The experimental result indicates that the learning outcome of both groups have been improved significantly. The average scores of students with HMD Virtual Reality is better than the average scores of students with Desktop Virtual Reality, and the presence of HMD Virtual Reality is higher than Desktop Virtual Reality. Furthermore, the anxiety level of control group is as the same as the level of experimental group.


virtual reality presence acceptance anxiety game learning


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