  • 學位論文

衛教媒材對個案參與第二期心臟復健意願之影響 ──以H 醫院冠狀動脈心臟病患者為例

The influences on attendance at the phase Ⅱ cardiac rehabilitation after the intervention of health education mediums ── Taking the example of coronary artery disease patients in H hospital

指導教授 : 王明揚


研究背景:缺血性心臟病在全球及台灣分別是十大死因的第一名及第二名。心臟 復健可以改善冠狀動脈疾病患者之生活品質,降低死亡率。但參與第二期心臟復 健的人數仍遠低於應參與的人數。而衛教是心臟復健的一部分,醫療人員在進行 衛教時,運用不同的媒材,衛教成效各有差異。研究目的:本研究欲探討1. 透 過不同媒材介入的心臟復健衛教成效差異。2. 介入衛教後,冠狀動脈心臟病患者 參與第二期心臟復健運動意願的變化。研究方法:本研究分三階段進行。第一階 段製作文字、圖文及影音三種版本衛教媒材及「心臟復健認知程度量表」,並量 測「心臟復健認知程度量表」效度;第二階段以一般民眾為受試者,依序均分為 文字、圖文及影音三組衛教後,量測三種不同媒材的衛教成效,並選擇衛教成效 較優的媒材於第三階段使用;第三階段以H 醫院患者為受試者,觀察進行衛教 後,第二期心臟復健的參與情形。研究結果:1. 「心臟復健認知程度量表」效度 為1,可作為衛教成效量測工具。2. 第二階段受試者90 人,以「心臟復健認知 程度量表」之答題錯誤率為參數,利用SAS 進行變異數分析(ANOVA),三種媒 材衛教成效沒有顯著差異(P=0.6001),但以圖文組的(錯誤+不確定)題數百分比 較低,故選擇圖文版做為第三階段之衛教媒材。 3. 第三階段受試者33 人,衛教 介入後,第二期心臟復健參與率與歷史值相比有顯著提升(P=0.0348)。結論:(一) 心臟復健衛教媒材:文字紙本、圖文紙本或影音視頻,三者的衛教成效沒有顯著 差異。(二)介入衛教後,冠狀動脈疾病患者參與第二期心臟復健的意願有提升。


心臟復健 衛教 學習成效


Background: Ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world and Taiwan respectively in first and second placeCardiac rehabilitation can improve the quality of life of patients with coronary artery disease and reduce mortality. But the number of patients attending to the phase II cardiac rehabilitation program is still well below the number of patients who should attend. And health education is part of the cardiac rehabilitation. The effectiveness of health education through various media is different. Purpose: 1. To explore the effectiveness of health education through various media. 2. To explore the change of the attendance at phase Ⅱ cardiac rehabilitation after health education intervention. Methods: This study was divided into three stages. The first stage: Expert validity of Cardiac Rehabilitation Awareness Scale. The second stage: Test the effectiveness of three kinds of mediums through “Cardiac Rehabilitation Awareness Scale” and find the best one. The third stage: Educate CAD patients with the best medium and explore the change of their attendance at phase Ⅱ cardiac rehabilitation. Results: 1. The validity of “Cardiac Rehabilitation Awareness Scale” was 1. It can be used as a measurement tool of the effectiveness of health education. 2. 90 subjects were included to the second stage. There was no significant difference in the effectiveness of health education of the three media (P=0.6001). 3. 33 subjects were included to the third stage. The participation rate of phase II cardiac rehabilitation compared with historical value significantly improved through cardiac health education (P=0.0348). Conclusion: 1. There was no significant difference in the effectiveness of health education among Words, Graphics and Video media. 2. The participation rate of phase II cardiac rehabilitation improved through cardiac health education.


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