  • 學位論文


Reflection of Principal Leadership Style:An Elementary School Principal’s Autoethnography

指導教授 : 林志成


摘要 本研究運用自傳俗民誌為研究方法,以研究者在校長任內,發揮校長領導的角色功能,經由校本課程的建構以改變校園新局發展的一段生命經驗為探究內容,對自我校長領導實踐行動的反思研究。 壹、研究目的 一、透過自傳俗民誌的書寫,反思研究者的校長領導風格。 二、從研究者的校長領導經驗中,歸結形塑研究者個人化校長領導風格的關鍵因素。 三、反思研究者在校長專業發展的關鍵歷程因素。 貳、研究結論 一、研究者的校長領導風格:「書劍江山」。由「書」的「心路」、「劍」的「理路」和「覺然」與「決然」的「實路」組成,自有校園新局「江山」浮現。 二、形成「書劍江山」校長領導風格的因素:(一) 陽光哲思、柔韌引導的個人特質;(二) 學生主體、教師為要的教與學教育本質領導施為;(三) 自我成長與增能的終身學習;(四) 承擔與踐履的經驗積累和分享;(五) 融合時代思潮與國際視野經驗;(六) 學理和實務的交織踐履;(七)外界獎勵與肯定的激勵。 三、書、劍交織的校長專業發展歷程因素:(一)持續精進的動能引領;(二)多元需求、問題解決取向;(三)助人自助的相互成長;(四)應然實然的交錯輝映。 關鍵字:國民小學校長、校長領導風格、校長專業發展、自傳俗民誌


Reflections on Principal Leadership Styles: An elementary school principal’s autoethnography Abstract In this study, the researcher employed autoethnography as a research method to reflect on his experience of transforming San-Zhuo Elementary School into an outstanding school through developing a school-based curriculum. The study aims to (a) explore the researcher’s leadership style as a principal through his writing of autoethnography, (b) describe the main factors that attributed to the researcher’s leadership style in light of his experience as a school principal, and (c) discover the drives for the researcher’s profession nal development in pursuing principal leadership. The study details the researcher’s self-reflections on his leadership as the principal of San-Zhuo Elementary School. It reveals that a successful principal would integrate educational theory and practice in developing leadership. The researcher defined his principal leadership style as ‘Shu, Jian, Jiang-Shan’ (Book, Sword, River-Mountain). The facto rs that attributed to his leadership style are as follows: (1) having a personal, gentle but firm attitude, (2) focusing on the essence of education, (3) promoting life-long learning and self-empowerment, (4) accumulating leadership experiences and sharing with others, (5) integrating experiences into leadership with an international vision, (6) applying educational theories to practice, and (8) being encouraged through external reward and self-affirmation. Additionally, the study finds that the drives bringing about the researcher’s professional development as a principal include: (i) to make progress and improvement, (ii) to meet multi-dimensional needs and solve problems, (iii) to share leadership experiences with others, and (iv) to put theory into practice. In view of the findings, the researcher makes suggestions. First, before deciding on pursuing a career as a school principal, one should contemplate the decision. When the decision is made, one needs to develop abilities required for principalship. Second, educational authorities need to provide support necessary for principals. Key Words: elementary school principal, principal leadership style, principal professional development, autoethnography


李安明、張佳穎(2010)。桃竹苗四縣市國民小學校長專業發展能力與其相關策略之研究。學校行政雙月刊,68, 27-43。
