  • 學位論文


A Study on the Curriculum of Life Education in Senior High School - Taking the Standard School as an Example

指導教授 : 林志成


本研究旨在探討標竿學校在生命教育課程之理念推動、其發展出的成果與特色、對於校內外資源的整合以及面對困境所研擬出的策略與建議。  本研究係個案研究,採用訪談法與文件分析法二項研究工具。訪談對象為校長兩位、教務主任、輔導主任等行政人員外,以及輔導老師與專任老師兩位教師。透過訪談大綱、學校計畫、會議記錄、訪談逐字稿、省思札記、照片、觀課等文件,深度瞭解羅東高中在推動生命教育課程的歷程與實踐。  經過研析後發現,學校在推動生命教育課程中,是循序漸進依照學校地理位置與在地資源去發展出適合校內學生的正式課程、非正式課程及潛在課程,運作與運籌過程中雖偶有衝突但也留下美好的經驗,可解決學校行政推行上所面臨的困境與發展相關策略,獲致以下五項結論: 一、生命教育課程以學生為主體,配合學生身心發展及成長環境經驗去設計規劃。 二、生命教育課程場域由教室到社區,強調學生多元的學習經驗。 三、生命教育課程推動中高度整合學校團隊,包含行政團隊與教學團隊。 四、除了充分整合校內資源外,更高度運用校外資源豐富生命教育課程。 五、正視生命教育課程推動之困境,且持續解決生命教育課程推動之問題。  最後,根據研究結果,對教育行政機關、學校單位、高中教師及未來研究提出具體的建議,以供未來有意推動生命教育課程及相關研究之參考。


The current research aims to investigate the promotion, results and characteristics of life education in model school. Additionally, the integration of resource inside and outside of school accompanied with strategies and advices when facing difficulty will be addressed. The present research is a case study which utilizes interview and analysis. The interviewees include two principals, an director of academic affair, an director of counseling office, an adjustment teacher and a full-time teacher. Through interview guidelines, school projects, minutes of meeting, interview transcription, reflection diary, photos and classroom observation, the present research deeply observe the process and outcome of life education’s promotion in National Lo-Tung Senior High School. According to the analysis in present study, National Lo-Tung Senior High School develops formal, informal and potential curriculums based on geographical location and local resources. Although there were some conflicts during the process, beautiful memories were produced as well which can help develop related strategies to solve the difficulties school faced when promoted administration work. Five conclusions were made: 1. The planning of life education should be regard students as the main focus. 2. Life education curriculums should be transferred from classroom to the community to emphasize experiential learning. 3. The excellent integration of school administration team when promoting life education curriculums. 4. The great application of resources outside the school to enrich life education curriculums. 5. The school should keep solving the difficulties of promoting life education and take it serious. Last, the present study provides specific suggestions for educational administrative agencies, high schools, high school teachers and future research for the purpose to promote life education curriculums.


李萍(2001)。生命教育的本體及其三個維度。載於中原大學主編,2001 年海峽兩岸生命教育學術研討會論文集(頁25-32)。臺北市:宇宙光。
