  • 學位論文


The Influence on the Traditional Catering Industry’s Future Trend and Development Imposed by Social Media

指導教授 : 林博文 劉玉雯


由於資訊科技的日進漸益,傳遞、保存、接收訊息的方式,人們溝通、了解事物的方式,不再是區區過去的單向溝通,拜科技所賜,許多的人、事、物,都逐漸平台化了,而資訊科技的發展,帶動商業模式的改變,對現今企業來說產生了重大的衝擊與改變,傳統餐飲服務業更是如此,為了解資訊科技為傳統餐飲業產業帶來的影響以及變化,就必須重新思考企業的本身過去的價值,以及未來價值在哪? 在本研究中探討應如何應用新興的社交平台,使傳統餐飲產業成功輔助具有競爭力的特色產業,傳達傳統餐飲飲業企業價值,邁向永續發展之目標。 首先分析傳統餐飲服務業的企業結構關係,以及餐飲業對顧客的價值創造,將以Michael Porter的價值鏈理論為基礎分析,接者用Michael Erlhoff服務設計為企業經營者所設計的商業價值設計模式,透過在此種理論的基礎下設計傳統餐飲服務業的價值創造模式,而雖然傳統產業的價值鍊與經營模式因平台化的普及,受到相當大的衝擊與改變,企業的價值鏈的創造是維持競爭優勢的關鍵,而商業模式的創新可協助企業獲利而企業經營模式的八項組成要素為顧客價值、範圍、定價、收入來源、關鍵活動、建置、能力、持續性。本研究以上八個面向去了解傳統餐飲業的經營模式與餐飲業如何配合社交平台經營模式。 傳統餐飲服務業在資訊科技時代,必須要更能了解顧客需求,更客製化的餐點供應,以解決顧客之問題,關於餐飲服務業想要進入平台化的經營模式,本研究並提出一個服務設計架構,說明在傳統餐飲業的社交平台經營模式,以及分析社交平台經營對餐飲服務業所帶來的影響,並建議透過經營社交平台化後將服務再設計決定策略,創造顧客與商家雙贏局面。 本研究將解析傳統餐飲服務業的價值架構在社交平台盛行的時代下所受到的影響。


With the rapid development of information technology, people have changed the way of communication. People have changed the old-fashioned unidirectional communication and digitized all kinds of information. The information technological development has caused business model (BM) to change, making a significant impact on business management model, in particular the traditional catering industry. To find out the influence on various industries imposed by information technology, it is necessary to rethink over the corporations’ value in the earlier period as well as their value in the future. Therefore, this study discussed how to make use of the revolutionized platform business model, attempting to help the traditional catering industry build up its competitive edge with distinctive features for its sustainable development. First, traditional catering industry’s business organizational structure and the value created for its customers were analyzed using Michael Porter’s Value Chain Model. Second, Michael Erlhoff’s commercial value model designed for business owners was employed to construct a value creation model for the traditional catering industry. The increasing popularity of platform has made a tremendous impact on the traditional industry’s value chain and its business model. This study analyzed the influence on the traditional catering industry’s value structure imposed by platform business model. Corporations’ value chain plays a vital role for their competitive edge. The renovated business model can help corporation to profit. Allan Afuah and Christopher Tucci pointed out eight elements of business model – customer’s value, scope, pricing, revenue source, relevant activities, implementation, capability, and continuity. This study discussed traditional catering industry’s business model as well as catering industry’s platform business model based on the eight elements stated above. To satisfy customers’ needs, the traditional catering industry must provide meals based on customers’ preference. This study presented a service design structure for the catering industry to cope with platform business. Moreover, this study proposed a service design framework to discuss the platform business model suitable for various catering industries and to analyze the influence on catering industry imposed by platform business. Last but not least, this study suggested that the catering industry designs its service strategies again using platform business model and thereby creates a multi-win situation.


郭更生、顧景昇、張玉欣,運用資訊科策略創造競爭優勢 – 以餐飲 服務業為例,第四屆餐飲管理學術研討會論文集,第91~106 頁,中 國飲食文化基金會,民國八十六年。
Michael Porter , The Competitive Advantage of Nations
一. 中文部分
徐炎明,服務業E化成功策略之探討:以餐旅業為例,國立臺灣大學 資訊管理學研究所碩士論文,民國九十一年。
徐于娟,餐飲服務人員工作生涯品質、服務態度對顧客滿意度、顧客 忠誠度影響之研究,私立中國文化大學觀光事業研究所碩士論文,民 國八十八年。
