  • 學位論文


Research on the Construction and Verification of Reason-strategy System for Educational Decision-making

指導教授 : 林志成


本研究關注社會變遷造成教育決策複雜化,主張採取系統決策模式,裨益教育決策應用,研究目的旨在概念建構與實證應用理計系統教育決策模式,依照決策者的個人條件,處理決策思維與作為。 研究方法包括概念分析與實證分析。概念分析研究法係以文獻分析決策概念,初構教育決策模式,運用系統動力學方法,系統分析決策概念因果關係,運用紮根理論方法,建構系統決策模式;實證分析研究法係透過應用檢核說明、問卷調查結果、綜合評估討論,進行司馬庫斯實驗教育決策實證分析,檢視決策模式應用。 研究發現理計系統教育決策模式,以理計系統構成教育決策思維與作為。建構決策原型,掌握道、將、法、天、地、人的決策關鍵;建構決策之理,系統思考綜觀全局,形成決策思維;建構決策之計,系統分析謀定後動,發展按部就班、彈性應變的決策作為。 (一) 決策原型-理計相生,環環相扣,能建構適用性決策 理計相生的決策運籌模式,採因理生計與因計生理的互相調整。 (二) 決策之理-信念建構,循環調適,能構思全面性決策 決策之理以合理、明理、治理三位一體的系統思考,形成決策思維。 (三) 決策之計-階段處理,整體設計,能規劃動態性決策 決策之計以始計、謀計、定計三階活動的系統分析,始計切入決策核心,謀計SEA-FAC分析,根據原則九要,掌握情境關鍵,定計策略九式,謀劃應變方略。 理計系統教育決策原則九要:優勢(S)先機(F)-全面佈局、趁勢崛起原則;優勢(S)險機(A)-察言觀色、險中求勝原則;優勢(S)轉機(C)-策動人心、機動應變原則;均勢(E)先機(F)-合縱連橫、策略聯盟原則;均勢(E)險機(A)-靈活調度、權變攻守原則;均勢(E)轉機(C)-借力使力、創新創價原則;劣勢(W)先機(F)-修己善群、分進合擊原則;劣勢(W)險機(A)-蓄勢待發、破釜沉舟原則;劣勢(W)轉機(C)-步步為營、撤退轉進原則。 理計系統教育決策策略九式:心策優勢策略-通情達理、攻心為上;心策均勢策略-洞悉關鍵、創意果決;心策劣勢策略-奇招妙用、正向正念;時策優勢策略-通情達理、通權達變;時策均勢策略-洞悉關鍵、審時度勢;時策劣勢策略-奇招妙用、正經正理;制策優勢策略-通情達理、典章之法;制策均勢策略-洞悉關鍵、正己清源;制策劣勢策略-奇招妙用、正法正用。


Due to social change, educational decision-making became more complex. This research declares that the reason-strategy system is great helpful to the application of educational decision. The purpose of this study is to constructing and verifying the content of decision-making model of reason-strategy system, according to the policymaker’s personal condition, thinking and action. The design of research includes conceptual analysis and empirical analysis. The initial model of educational decision-making is based on literature analysis. The system analysis of decision conceptual cause-effect relation depends on system dynamics. The construct of system decision is application of grounded theory. By means of checking description, survey and comprehensive evaluation, the project will verify the reason-strategy system for the decision-making model of experimental education at Smangus. The findings of research achieve three parts. One is decision prototype which will construct the applicability decision. Decision prototype includes the key elements of decision-making nature: law, situation, timing, leader and human, and they are connected in the circle of system. Another is the system of strategic reasons which will build the comprehensive decision. The system of strategic reasons is a trinity system. The other is the processes of strategic plans which will arrange the dynamic decision. The processes of strategic plans is to make strategies by three stages. The origin stage is the beginning-point of decision. The diverse stage is based on the analyzing of SEW-FAC, including nine principles. The determining stage is the deciding process based on the different situation of plan-thinking. There are nine types of determining plan. The nine principles of the reason-strategy system for education are S-F comprehensive survey of the general situation, S-A closely observing somebody’s word and expression, S-C instigating people, E-F vertical and horizontal alliance, E-A flexible scheduling, E-C making an effort by taking advantage of the coming strength, W-F self-discipline and being harmonious to others, W-A waiting of action after having accumulated power, and W-C consolidating at every step. There are nine types of the reason-strategy system for education which are mind-S being fair and reasonable for winning the support, mind-A understanding the key point and being decisive, mind-C making work magically with positive mindfulness, time-S being fair, reasonable and flexible, time-A understanding the key point and examining the timing, time-C making work magically following the rule positively, system-S being fair and reasonable and following the law, system-A understanding the key point and self-discipline, and system-C making work magically following the rule correctly.


