  • 學位論文


Research on the Improvement of Quality Measurement Training Course

指導教授 : 張堅琦


近年來電子測試車用IC新產品開發過程,電性功能與良率穩定是基本條件,顧客更重視產品物性外觀要求,到後段產品量產驗證,可能因而產生相關產品外觀或硬體與軟體相容性問題而導致停產。 本研究觀察與驗證評估新進人員於訓練過程與培訓時間對晶圓目視檢查影像之影響改善。在實際的環境條件下,規劃檢驗站點之顯微鏡實體晶圓量測,區分人員經驗年資與增加檢驗時間,依據實際每批標準檢驗時間控制15~20分鐘,分別在重複教學15分鐘與重複教學30分鐘(一批15分→間隔休息5分鐘→另一批15分),晶片項目包括晶粒樣本判斷與圖像辨識技巧,蒐集人員量測晶圓影像資料精準度,以作為品保新進人員訓練時間的參考依據。 結果顯示在重複教學30分鐘實體晶圓驗證下,新進人員能確實提升到有經驗檢驗精準度,即使只有重複教學15分鐘也有小幅改善情形,但差異點在客制化之晶圓特殊圖像對檢驗之判斷有潛在影響,未來訓練規劃增加不同晶粒特殊性,與定期年度訓練作為持續學習曲線記憶之改善方向。


The study is to observe, validate and evaluate the impact of new personnel to improve the affection of wafer visual inspection by training time and process. Under actual environmental conditions, plans the microscope wafer measurement by the distinction of work experience and increase the inspection time. Control the actual standard inspection time to 15 to 20 minutes by each batch, in the repetition of 15 minutes teaching and repeat for 30 minutes teaching (15 minutes/batch→rest interval 5 minutes→15 minutes/batch). The items include the chip image judgment and image recognition techniques. Collect the measure image data accuracy as reference to the basic training time for new operator. The results shows that under repetition 30 minutes training by actual wafer verification, the new staff can really improve the accuracy as staff with experience, even the repetition of 15 minutes training also have a slight improvement. The potential impact on the judgment of inspection is the difference of customized wafer special image. In future, the training could plan to increase the specificity of different chips, and regular training as a continuous learning curve to improve memory.


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