  • 學位論文

資訊經濟下技術移轉推廣模式之研究─ 以工研院為例

The Research on Technology Transfer model under Information Economy:A Case study of Industrial Technology Research Institute, ITRI

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


現今資訊經濟是一個多樣客製化生產、展現創新應用的產業生態環境,科技行銷手法建立在以人為本、了解及滿足企業的自我實現服務。智慧密集的全球經濟時代下,智慧財產權作為企業重要的營運資產,藉由有效率的技術推廣模式授權產業客戶或公司使用實施,活化研發成果達到市場價值的最大化;對於承接該授權標的之公司能提振產品上市速度、加速商品化過程,建構市場競爭優勢。 工研院最大的資產便是由研發技術成果、專利、營業秘密、商標等所組成的智慧財產權,且為工研院核心所在,透過多樣化的推廣運用模式將其市場價值彰顯出來,達成產業擴散效益,創造收入來源。因應產業發展,工研院關鍵性技轉推廣模式及智權加值運作主要是為企業達成防禦目的、提升技術成熟度、支援業務活動為考量。 面對資訊經濟產業是一個應用創新、軟硬體高度整合、中小型微型企業運作的特性,思考工研院既有技轉推廣模式、並借鏡美國史丹佛大學OTL以及IBM 公司案例研究,未來可善用行銷3.0以及行銷4.0的技轉推廣手法,著重「速度取代規模、創新取代廣度、價值優於價格」的策略,以各別研發技術、專利、商標、營業秘密、諮詢服務等進行務實且具彈性的交互授權,並以商轉後權利金收取方式與關鍵客戶、微型企業、新創公司共享市場利益,共同實現工研院與合作廠商之間的自我價值。


Nowadays, the information economy is a customizing and innovative environment. Digital marketing is built on humanity and enterprise fulfillment. Under wisdom-intensive era, intellectual property rights (IPR), as the essential assets for enterprise, should be licensed or utilized with efficient technology promoting model to optimize their market value. For those licensee, they can speed up the process of commercialization and build up competitive advantage. The most important assets and core value for Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) is the IPRs which consisting research and development results, patents, trade secrets and trademarks. By diverse promoting models, the market value of IPRs are revealed and the technology is able to be transfer to proper industries. Both of that create income. With the needs of industry, ITRI’s technology transfer and licensing are mainly for defensive, enhancing maturity of technology and promoting business. Facing on the challenges, such as highly innovative environment, integration of software and hardware, SMEs characteristics, ITRI has to review the previous technology transfer promotion model and learn from the OTM of Stanford University and IBM. By reviewing the cases, in the future, ITRI will utilize marketing 3.0/4.0 to promote and focus on speed, innovation and value rather than scale, wideness and price. By collecting loyalty fee from flexible cross-licensing technology, patents, trademark, trade secrets, and service, ITRI will share the profit with key customers, micro-enterprises and start-ups. Hope that the new model will realize the self-value of ITRI and cooperative customers.


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