  • 學位論文


The Establishment of Epidemic Prevention System in Modern Tianjin(1912-1945)

指導教授 : 王憲群


本文透過天津近代衛生與醫療的發展討論中國近代防疫體系建立。傳統中國並沒有官方專業的防疫醫院、隔離醫院等預防與治療傳染病的場所,直到1900年八國聯軍以後,日本開始干涉天津市政,在天津設立租界,並與其他國家組成天津都統衙門專門處理天津的行政事務,特別是衛生方面的行政。1902年,清政府收回天津治理權,至此開始出現官方防疫醫院。 此後,天津受到不少傳染病的影響,1910年到1911年間的東北鼠疫事件、1917年到1918年山西鼠疫事件、霍亂等都是促成天津開始出現防疫相關機構建設的原因。一開始,天津的防疫醫院主要提供將病患集中管理的隔離功能為主,並且尚未有一個防疫體系的概念出現。同時,清政府也成立了醫學校並聘請許多日籍教授任職。 1928年,國民政府在中央設立衛生部,並執行防疫政策開始在全國設立傳染病醫院、衛生局等政府機構。由此可見,防疫事務開始納入國家體系重要的一部份,由政府推動防疫相關計畫。而在天津的衛生局、傳染病醫院任職的醫生,則多班是留日出身或是接受日本醫學教育。並且,天津在1937年到1945年間的日本佔領時期,這些醫生多半被直接任用,以維持天津防疫事務的運作。


My research topic is the establishment of epidemic prevention system in modern Tianjin. In traditional China, there was no such hospital or clinic that specifically dealt with contagious disease. After the Eight-Nation Alliance in 1900, Japan began interfere local affairs by establishing concession and Tianjin Provisional Government with other countries to manage city affairs and public health. In 1902, the Tsing government regained authority towards Tianjin and built its own contagious disease hospital. During the time, there were outbreaks of plague and cholera one after one. At first, contagious disease hospital was more like an isolation hospital, keeping epidemic patients from the society. There was no complete epidemic prevention system yet. The Tsing government built medical schools and many Japanese medical professionals were engaged in local medical education. In 1928, the national government established Ministry of Health and began establishing contagious disease hospitals, bureaus, and policy. The issue of epidemic prevention has become an important part of the government affairs. Meanwhile in Tianjin, people working in this project had studied medicine mostly in Japan or Japanese medical school in China. However, during the period of Japanese invasion from 1937 to 1945, these people were assigned in the government occupations by the Japanese. They carried on government affairs not to mention the epidemic prevention system.


