  • 學位論文


Life Orientation and Conscious Writing:A Research of Su Shi’s Responding Poems to Tao Yuanming

指導教授 : 李貞慧


蘇軾的《和陶詩》不僅為其晚年詩藝卓絕的代表,更是以陶淵明為典範來進行自我書寫的範例。本文試圖探討蘇軾在《和陶詩》特定主題下所呈顯的思考與詮釋,透過對陶詩生命議題的反思和對話,蘇軾以追和所表露的精神內蘊與志意理想,展現了其於困境中尋求生命定位的過程,也體現了《和陶詩》在晚年詩作中的獨特意義。 本章分為五個章節,首章「緒論」述研究動機、相關研究回顧及章節安排內容。第二章「《和陶詩》背景概論」綜論《和陶詩》的相關背景細節,包含詩集形式、篇章收錄、文體意義及和陶風氣等,作為後續篇章的論述基礎。第三章「仙道思想與精神家園的追求」在理解蘇軾仙道詩創作概況的前提下,關注於其晚年對對仙道思想的反省和修正,以及其對仇池夢境的形塑過程,這兩項主題不僅是蘇軾晚年詩歌中的獨特主題,也反映出其理性思考的面貌。第四章「士大夫自覺與仕隱典型的新解」分為三部分,首先以淵明詠史三首為討論對象,蘇軾的詮解不僅展現了對自身仕宦經歷的體悟,也呈顯了一名政治家的價值判斷;而另一方面,次節對《和陶擬古》與《和陶雜詩》的分析,則著重於蘇軾探索個人生命價值的具體成果,其在仕隱間的矛盾掙扎和最終定案的人文使命,反映了一名知識分子回應時代的積極態度。最末,本文以《和陶歸園田居》、〈和陶桃花源〉至〈和陶歸去來兮辭〉的創作軸線,探究蘇軾對「歸」的詮釋因應處境而隨之調整的轉變過程。第五章為「結論」,蘇軾追求身心安頓的成果不僅蘊含時代性的士大夫精神,亦融合了對人生流程的體悟和曠達自適的生活哲學,顛覆了貶逐士人的傳統悲劇性模式。


Su Shi’s Responding Poems to Tao Yuanming’s Works (和陶詩) were not only the masterpiece of his later years, but well-known as the autobiographical writing by taking Tao as his model. This thesis focuses on Su Shi’s thoughts and interpretations in specific themes of Responding Poems to Tao Yuanming’s Works. By the profound reflections on life issues revealed in Tao’s poem, Su’s responding poems to Tao show his personality, self-reflection, and humanistic concerns, which presents the process of struggle with the dilemma and also indicates the special significance in Su’s poetry during the Lingnan period. This thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter One is the Introduction; Chapter Two Background of the Responding Poems to Tao’s Works discusses the details of the collection, including the form, content and spread as the basis of following chapters; Chapter Three The Search of Immortals and Spiritual Home focuses on Su’s reflection on the Taoist belief of immortals and the development of a dream called Chouchi (仇池). The viewpoint in Responding Poems to Tao’s ‘Reading the Book of Mountains and Seas’ (和陶讀山海經) and the portrait of Chouchi are not only the particular themes in Su’s poetry in later years, but also reflect his rational thinking about life; Chapter Four The consciousness and Prototype of Scholars are separated into three parts. First part is Su Shi’s response to three pieces of Tao’s In Memory of Historical Personages (詠史三首), which show his reviews about the official career. Second, through the analysis of Responding Poems to Tao’s ‘Mimicking an Old Style’ (和陶擬古) and Responding Poems to Tao’s ‘Untitled Poems’ (和陶雜詩), we can understand Su’s contradiction between being an official and being a hermit, as well as his academic mission which reveal the positive attitude toward life. Last, following the approach of Responding Poems to Tao’s ‘Returning to Nature’ (和陶歸園田居), Responding Poems to Tao’s ‘The Peach Colony’ (和陶桃花源) to Responding Poem to Tao’s Returning Home (和陶歸去來兮辭), we can observe how Su Shi adjusts his mental state to the difficult circumstances, which show his contemplation about the world and the philosophy of life; Chapter Five is the Conclusion. With the writing of Responding Poems to Tao’s Works, Su Shi’s fulfillment of searching for the value of life not only embodies the spirit of scholar-officials of the Song dynasty, but makes a subversion of exiled literati tradition.


