  • 學位論文


Integrating Cooperative Learning into Teaching Descriptive Expository Writing to Upper Grade Elementary Students

指導教授 : 陳惠邦


本研究旨在探討合作學習融入國小高年級描述型說明文寫作教學,對提升學童寫作主題知識與組織能力的有效策略,以及評估學童寫作能力的表現,同時檢視教師暨研究者在本研究過程中有關描述型說明文寫作知能的教學發展。 本研究採行動研究法進行,以研究者任教之27位高年級學童為對象,自2015年9月至2016年4月為期八個月,進行合作學習融入國小高年級描述型說明寫作教學之研究。經持續觀察、歸納與分析學童的寫作表現後,獲得研究結果如下: 一、合作學習融入國小高年級描述型說明文寫作教學,能提升國小高年級學童描述型說明文寫作能力。茲分述「合作學習」融入寫作教學之成效如下: (一)規劃學習任務、提供互助時機、互助用語、討論流程與溝通用語,培養學童互助與分享之教學實作下,能提升國小高年級學童於寫作前蒐集資料與理解寫作主題之能力。 (二)合作學習需結合寫作教學策略,在蒐集資料、分類資料與組織文章結構之教學實作下,能提升國小高年級學童應用寫作策略於描述型說明文之寫作表現能力。 二、合作學習融入國小高年級描述型說明文寫作教學,能提升國小高年級學童描述型說明文寫作能力。其有效「寫作教學策略」如下: (一)實施任務型的觀察與訪問,能提升學童蒐集大量資料與深層理解寫作主題知識之能力。 (二)引導圖像組織(圓圈圖、泡泡圖)於資料整理,能提升學童資料分享與分類能力。 (三)應用圖像組織(樹狀圖、流程圖)於寫作,能提升學童自主組織文章結構之能力。 三、教師暨研究者在本行動研究過程中,對於合作學習融入國小高年級描述型說明文寫作教學價值、合作學習策略的應用、描述型說明文寫作教學策略的運用,以及整合實施合作學習與寫作教學策略的教學時機等教學知能,均有所增長。 本研究結果可供國小高年級描述型說明文寫作教學與研究之參考。


The purpose of this study aimed to examine the effective strategies in enhancing content knowledge and organizing ability by integrating cooperative learning into descriptive expository writing to upper grade elementary students, and evaluate students’ writing performance. The pedagogical development of the teacher as researcher on descriptive expository writing knowledge was also surveyed. Action research was run in this eight-month study. The subjects of the study included 27 upper grade elementary students who were taught by the researcher since September 2015 to April 2016. Cooperative learning was integrated into teaching descriptive expositive writing. After continuous observations, generalization and analyses of the performance of students’ writing, the findings of the research were briefly stated as follows: 1.Integrating cooperative learning into teaching descriptive expository writing enhanced the students’ writing ability. The effective strategies and findings of integrating cooperative learning into teaching writing were as follow: a.Planning learning tasks, providing the time of mutual aid, discussing procedure and using words to communicate cultivated students’ collaborative and sharing behavior, and increased students’ ability of gathering information and comprehending deeply the knowledge of a writing topic. b.In order to enhance students’ ability of using writing strategies in descriptive expository writing, cooperative learning had to be combined with writing strategies which contained gathering information, classifying information and organizing structure of a composition. 2.The effective strategies and findings of integrating cooperative learning into teaching descriptive expository writing were as follow: a.Task oriented observation and interviewing increased students’ ability in gathering large information and comprehending deeply the knowledge of a writing topic. b.Guiding students to use graphic organizers (Circle map and Bubble map) on data processing could promote students’ sharing data and categorizing ability. c.Using graphic organizers (Tree map and Flow map) to writing contributed to students’ ability in organizing writing structure. 3.This action research promoted the teacher as researcher’s pedagogical content knowledge in the following aspects: the teaching values of integrating cooperative learning into teaching descriptive expository writing to upper grade elementary students, the application of cooperative learning, the use of teaching descriptive expository writing strategies and combining cooperative teaching and writing strategies appropriately. The findings of this study can be served as the reference for teaching and studying descriptive expository writing to the upper grade elementary students.


