  • 學位論文


Sins and Redemption on the Body Writing in Li-Zishu's Fiction

指導教授 : 楊佳嫻


屢獲文學獎的馬華作家黎紫書在其小説中致力呈現馬來西亞各族群的生活面貌,是當今馬華文壇上最具代表性的作家之一。作爲一個女作家,「女」性、「女兒」的身份使她更關心馬來西亞女性所遭遇的性別困境,她不斷書寫女性身體及苦難,反映出馬來西亞女性在以男性為主的家庭和社會中所處於從屬地位。由女性身體被男性任意凝視、操縱和消費,她在其小説中翻轉性別權力,對男性身體進行凝視甚至閹割,顯示出她的性別意識。 身體的困境來自於罪,罪的惡果、報應主題反覆出現在黎紫書小説中,小説人物的身體也因此成了罪的展場。人物的身體被設置成一種有所缺失的狀態,一些人物因此患病或死亡。然而,黎紫書在其作品安插超越生死的奇幻身體,完成身體的救贖、延伸和填補。


黎紫書 身體書寫 性別困境 凝視 救贖


Malaysian-Chinese writer,Li-Zishu is well known not only because she is a winner of literature awards,by the way,her works which put in much efforts in presenting the Malaysian society making she to be one of the writers who can well represent Malaysian Chinese Literature.As a female and a daughter,she observes the gender dilemma suffered by the female in Malaysian society who has always been “the others” in patriarchy society and families.Male elder members always been the master in a Chinese family,causing difficulties for the female family members who are forced to follow the rules and embrassments.Being a female writer,Li-Zishu expressed her sympathies in bringing out the characters to the readers.In the other way,she too gazed on the bodies of male characters and finally castray on them. The suffering of bodies comes from sins,the bodies of those characters are always the mirror or stage to present the dilemma.While the dilemma facing by the characters are always the consequences of “sins”,bringing the characters to sickness and death.But,supernatural bodies are created to be the saviours,although remained fancied and mythical, these bodies have already been the fillers in human bodies’deficiencies of the characters who have been identified as a loser in reality.


Li-Zishu body writing gender dilemma gaze redemption


