  • 期刊


Gender Illiteracy and Its Discontent: A Dialogue with the Psychopathological Discourse


女性精神病患的聲音,面臨主流醫療論述往往是沈默的或消音的。在這樣的反思起點下,首先,本文以解構的方式,探討實證取向精神醫療的性別識盲。其次,藉由現象還原的路數,本文交織著一位接受筆者八次心理治療女性精神病個案的敘說資料選段,嘗試揭示被社會常模指稱為「瘋狂」女性的生病經驗。復次,回歸實徵資料與論理學說的交互分析,以精神分析作為基底,指出個案生病經驗的創痕,其實正回應著受苦倫理的的召喚,顯象著建構自我主體性的可能性。最後,回到再脈絡化的討論,本文指出超越性別本質論的文化心理病理學,得以洞察精神病論述的性別識盲。 經由本文敘說資料與文獻探討的讀解分析,可知所謂「躁鬱症伴隨宗教妄想症」的診斷語言,其實涵蘊生活經驗與生命故事。在時間彷如圓形監獄的囚禁下,個案似乎尋找不到生命的出口。不過,當個案得以將生活世界從時問禁錮的牢籠掙脫,朝向於生命立體空問的徹底轉化,就能逐漸見證新行動的社會實踐,開歐生命新旅程。因此,心理病理的故事具備詁問醫療專業權力,同時涵蘊轉化生命基調的功能。


First, the aim of the paper is to deconstruct the psychopathological discourse with gender illiteracy that dominates female suffering voices. Second, through the method of phenomenological reduction, the narrative of a woman diagnosed as “bipolar disorder” and suffering from “religious persecution” is presented, with the view to explore the illness experience and life world of this “mad” woman. Third, based upon the psychoanalytical discourse, the empirical narrative and the theoretical concept are constructed inter-textually, it becomes apparent that the voices of the victim are an active response to the ethics of the sufferings. Finally, reconceptulization of the psychopathological discourse beyond gender essentialism is proposed. From the present study, it seems that the metaphorical function of the story narrated by the sufferer with “mental disorder” could not only confront the power of the medical profession, but also transform the illness experience by way of reconstructing the subjective world of experiences.


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