  • 學位論文


Accident Management Based On Computerized Emergency Operating Procedures

指導教授 : 周懷樸


自三哩島事故以來,核能業界除開始重視運轉員的人為失誤問題之外,也發覺事件導向的程序書無法處理複雜參數,並欠缺處理未分析之情況,因此發展了徵兆取向的緊急操作程序書來改善這些問題,然而這類程序書其本質上仍不脫印刷文件或手冊的形式。 近年來,由於現代化的人機介面技術已能逐漸取代傳統的紙張式文件,也因此本研究的目的便是運用此項技術將傳統的緊急操作程序書文件轉換為可供運轉員執行的電腦程式,並協助運轉員進行事故管理,此外電腦取向的程序也能有效降低程序書的複雜度並減輕運轉員的負擔,以避免運轉員在事故情況下誤判的可能。 為了測試本研究中所使用的方法,我們採用了台灣電力公司所屬龍門核電廠的模擬器為研究標的,此模擬器能以高於正常速度的情況來運行,而當運轉員啟動或關閉模擬器中的任何組件時,也會反應於人機介面中,並在任何時間協助運轉員決策。 本研究透過暫態模擬的方式來驗證所使用的方法,並在模擬過程中假設模擬器中的高壓爐心灌水系統與餘熱移除系統的所有注水泵皆無法作用,此外運轉員也不清楚發生了何種暫態事故。而由於事故發展會隨著運轉員所採取的動作而有不同的發展,因此也將藉由動態安全度評估方法來預測可能的事故後果,然後藉著分析這些不同的事故序列來找出對爐心安全停機而言較為關鍵的系統或功能。


After the Three-Mile Island (TMI) accident, the nuclear industry began to concern the problem of operator errors. In addition, it was also found that the event-based procedures are not able to handle the complexed parameters and unexpected conditions, thus the symptom-based Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP) are developed for improving the shortage of event-based procedures. However, the symptom-based EOPs still remained the same format, i.e. printed documents and handbooks. In recent years, the modern Man-Machine Interface (MMI) are taking the place of paper-based documents gradually, thus the purpose of this study is to make use of this technique to convert the traditional EOPs documents into a computer program for assisting operators with accident management. Besides, computer-based procedures can also reduce the complexity of EOPs and the burden of operators, and avoid the possibility that operators misjudged under the accident conditions. To test the proposed method, the simulator of Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) which is owned by the Taipower Company is used as the research objective. This simulator can operate faster than the normal speed. Moreover, when operators activate or inactivate any components of the simulator, it will give response to the MMI. With this feature, the MMI can help operators with decision-making at any time. In this research, we performed the transient simulation for verifying the proposed method, and supposed all High Pressure Core Flooding (HPCF) and Residual Heat Removal (RHR) pumps were unavailable. In addition, operators also didn’t know which transient occurred in the period of simulation. Since the accident progression developed with operators' actions, we used the dynamic Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) methodology for predicting the possible accident consequences. By analyzing the different accident sequences, operators can be notified of the key systems/functions relating to the core safety shutdown.


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