  • 學位論文

以產品結構為基之電腦整合設計工程管理 - 應用於金屬加工業

A Computer Integrated Design Engineering Management System Based on Product Structure - Applied in Metal Cutting

指導教授 : 葉若春 寇世斌


為了使生產過程得以順利進行﹐工程資料的正確性扮演著重要的角色。一 般工程資料最重要者莫過於產品結構、藍圖清冊、標準操作程序、數值控 制程式、標準檢驗程序等。本研究乃著重於產品結構與藍圖清冊管理﹐其 中包含型態管理、工程變異管理與產品定義管理﹐簡而言之即是設計工程 管理。設計工程向上承接系統工程產出之產品結構和工程物料表﹐並向下 傳送產品零組件圖及相對應之刀、工、模、夾具圖和製造物料表給程序工 程﹐其間複雜之資料流若不加以控制將造成管理上莫大之問題。欲控制則 必須先行了解才得以實行﹐所以本研究提出以產品結構為基之電腦整合設 計工程管理系統﹐藉由詳盡而正確的系統分析得到各個不同階層使用者需 求﹐並以此需求規格書作資料庫設計。至此﹐整個設計工程的架構已經確 定﹐工程變異、型態管理等問題由於經過正確的系統分析而將整個管理迴 路合理化﹐同時﹐透過單一整合性資料庫的查詢可以找到相類似產品結構 及相對應之藍圖、標準操作程序及標準檢驗程序等﹐這些重複的工程資料 不必重新再建立﹐所以產品設計時間自然縮短﹐位居管理階層人員能夠正 確掌握與監控產品設計工程。


Based on MRPⅡ, the costing of product can be counted, but the engineering cost can not be estimated. In engineering aspect, the interface between various hardware and software, flow and data management, life cycle of product is short and island of automation are difficult to overcome, so this thesis presents a computer integrated management methodology - Design Engineering Management System. The integrated system called DEMS. DEMS incorporate six subsystems : a configuration manag- ement, a product structure definition management system, a concept design management system, a solid modeling management system, a engineeringe analysis management system, and a plain engineering drawing management system. DEMS is based on product structure, product structure is mainly created from the product structure definition management system by the user and which is used for all over the systems, the product structure not only contains material information but also father and sun relation- ship. Taking advantage of this fundamental structure, the other systems generate the way to management engineering data. Final- ly, DEMS trace the whole schedule of design system, and find out : what's the version? where is the engineering drawing? and what's the product structure.
