  • 學位論文

如何「居家」?如何「服務」? ──居家服務中的公私與性別

Delivering Care to Homes - the Public and the Private Realms and Gender Issues in Home Care

指導教授 : 許瀞文


如何「居家」?如何「服務」? ──居家服務中的公私與性別 摘要 在台灣實行的居家服務政策,其運作方式是民間機構承辦國家所委託的社會福利服務,由機構聘任照顧員輸送服務到私人家中。本研究運用人類學的田野調查方法了解第一線照顧工作者的經驗,提出兩核心問題:「居家服務員作為一個代表政府公部門的工作角色,如何在私人家中執行照顧工作?」,「居家服務員的訓練場域和定位是否是性別化的,以致影響居服員的職場和勞動過程?」本研究分別由「誰來照顧」、「如何居家」、「服務什麼」等面向探討居家服務第一線現場所存在的公/私交錯之複雜性,也觀察性別如何影響居家服務員的養成訓練與職場中的實踐。 本研究有五項發現:一、居服員工作內容和角色是性別化的;二、相對其他照顧工作,照顧員的專業定位是相對女性化的;三、外籍勞工的污名加深了照顧工作的邊緣化;四、以家庭作為勞動場域之工作特性,公/私之模糊交錯使居服員有多重角色;五、公/私之間的落差使居服員所需之技能與專業被低估。本研究扣合研究發現提出三項建議:一、職前訓練及職涯規劃上彼此配合,明確定位照顧工作性質、角色;二、實質提升居服員的勞動權益,如調整為月薪制以吸引從業者,設立案主住院時的相關規定以保障居服員收入不致受大幅影響,機車油錢補助改成直接累計里程制等;三、提升居服員之工作環境的友善度:建立居家服務員的聯盟或討論平台,所在組織單位提供居服員更多支持與連結,政府提供案家工作手冊或舉辦座談會,使居家服務使用者更了解居服員的角色和工作權益。


性別 公私 居家服務 照顧 勞動


Delivering Care to Homes - the Public and the Private Realms and Gender Issues in Home Care Abstract Home care is part of Taiwan's social welfare services. It is currently undertaken by contracted private agencies who hire caregivers to deliver the service to individual household. Field research was conducted to understand the experiences of the frontline caregivers and two key questions were raised: 1) how do these caregivers, on behalf of the public sector, deliver care to private homes? 2) is the training environment and positioning of home caregivers genderized, and if they are, how does this influence their workplace and nature of their work? This research approaches the intricate interactions between the public and the private realms at the location the service is rendered as well as how gender influences the training and practice of home care from three aspects: who the caregivers are, how home care is provided, and what home care is. Findings suggest that 1) the work and role of home caregivers are genderized, 2) the positioning of home care appears to be more feminine than other types of care, 3) home caregivers are typically associated with unskilled foreign workers and this contributes to the marginalization of home care, 4) the fact that the service is delivered to private homes blurs the boundaries between the public and the private realms and requires caregivers to play multiple roles, and that 5) the skills and level of professionalization required in providing home care are underestimated due to the above mentioned indistinction. Three suggestions were derived from the findings: 1) the orientation training and career planning should be redesigned to complement each other to provide a more precise positioning of home care; 2) labor rights of the caregivers should be improved in tangible ways, such as offering monthly salary, formulating policies to ensure sources of income when the usurers are hospitalized; and 3) measures should be taken to build a more friendly work environment for the caregivers, and these measures include building an alliance or discussion platform, urging the agencies to provide more support and connection, and issuing pamphlets and holding forums to help home care users develop a deeper understanding of the roles and rights of the caregivers.


gender public and the private spheres home care care labor


2008 跨國灰姑娘: 當東南亞幫傭遇上台灣新富家庭,台北,行人出
2004 給付標準的設定會引導民眾對社區式照顧服務的利用嗎?—以
