  • 學位論文


Design of Free Motion Curves and Human-Computer Interface of Servo Press

指導教授 : 左培倫


摘要 伺服沖床可透過編程精準控制沖頭滑塊之位置與速度以實現各式各樣之沖壓加工。以引伸加工為例,可縮短其製程所需時間並提升引伸深度。本研究針對引伸加工之沖壓曲線之設計與規劃方法進行討論,探討引伸加工之沖壓曲線之生成機制。 成果為可透過輸入沖頭通過點來調整沖壓曲線,達到方便使用者規劃自由曲線之目的,並且針對引伸加工設計出曲線規劃之程式。藉由輸入簡單之加工參數即可對應出製造各種引伸加工製品之沖壓曲線。輸入加工參數後會自動產生沖頭通過之控制點,藉由控制點以B-spline產生平滑且加速度連續之沖頭運動曲線,若產生之曲線不理想也可在不影響曲線階數的情況下分別對控制點進行微調以因應不同之加工情況。


Abstract Servo press has the ability to improve the formability, quality, and productivity of metal products by working with various forming curves of slide. However, the operations of free-motion function are not very intuitional and efficient for most of servo press so that it is difficult for the operator to construct self-design forming curves. Furthermore, most studies in the field of servo press only focus on the simulation of the drawing process, and rarely have experiment to support its result. While this study discuss the drawing motion design by the proposed program on the aspect of process efficiency and energy. In this proposed forming curves design program, operators determine the motion of slide by adjusting several control points of forming curve in a user-friendly and graphical interface. Then a calculating process based on the B-spline and curve fitting theories is applied in the program to transform settings of operator into position, speed, acceleration, and jerk information, which plays a vital role for the operator to design forming curves. Moreover, this study focus on the planning and designing the drawing motion, and discuss the mechanism of generating the drawing motion curve. The result of this study is, by applying the proposed program design for servo press, operators are able to create practical and satisfying forming curves more easily. Moreover, the drawing motions design by the proposed program are more efficient and energy saving.


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26. 吳宗彥,伺服沖床沖頭運動曲線之研究,碩士論文,國立清華大學動力機械工程學系,民國103年。
27. 陳泓維,引伸沖壓曲線優化研究,碩士倫文,國立清華大學動力機械工程學系,民國100年。
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