  • 學位論文


Sales Strategy of Hypochlorous Acid - A Case Study of Company A

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


市面上有許多的防疫抗菌產品,成分各有不同,功效更是各有所長。其中以次氯酸成分的產品最為特別,因為他使用方便、簡單有效但卻沒有在市場上普及,這是為什麼? 所以本論文就以研究次氯酸這個產品為起點,依據他的作用原理證明次氯酸的安全性後,再詳細解釋他的生成方式,同時分析與其他化學產品的不同點,解開顧客對這個產品的疑慮。最後並提供各廠家經過各家公證單位的檢驗證明,來證明這個產品對人體及對環境的無害。 最後再以個案公司A公司為研究對象,從市場競爭者的分析,及個案公司本身的能力分析,來建議個案公司的行銷策略。 希望本文可以對以後想進入非一般消費品或是屬於醫材類的廠家可以提供一些參考。




There are many antibacterial products in the market. Each with different composition and different effect. The particular one is - Hypochlorous Acid. According to the research, it is the most convenient product for anti-bacterial. It is easy to use, easy to carry and effective. But why it did not become the essential product in each family? This research begin with explaining what Hypochlorous Acid is. Try to use the clarify and easier way to explain this product to the market as a salesman. And how it works as an antibacterial product. This research also apply many kinds of Test Approval Reports from the Non-profit Private Institute or reputable personal certification company. All those reports proved that this product is harmless to our environment. And most important harmless to human body. After describe what the Hypochlorous is. This research takes Company A as a case study. Analysis from the competitor’s strategy and Company A’s strength came out with some sales strategy. Hope this research can have some help for the upcoming enterprise who wants to get into the non-consumer product market.


Hypochlorous Acid


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3. 水神官網。線上檢索日期 :2016年5月16日。網址 :
4. 白因子官網。線上檢索日期 :2016年5月16日。網址 :
