  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林子銘


高科技產業面臨強大的競爭壓力與快速變遷的環境,如何在這樣的環境中提升競爭力成為重要課題。而佔有企業總支出50%到60% 的原物料成本更顯得不容忽視。「策略性採購」(Strategic Procurement)的觀點將企業中採購的功能與整體企業的競爭策略結合,使原先僅是為了達成採購目的的採購部門,變成了為達成企業整體策略而存在的重要策略性部門。 本研究的目的是為了瞭解國際高科技產業的採購與策略性,並且瞭解電子化採購在策略性採購中所扮演的角色同時從過去文獻中整理出策略性採購(Strategic Procurement)與採購策略(Procurement Strategy)的異同。 本研究將達成策略性採購的方式歸納為:與企業策略相結合的採購策略、與供應商建立長期關係、採購單位有能力完成決策、協調與應變、採購部門有能力完成協調、決策的功能性角色、運用電子採購以及重視採購倫理。並以此建立研究的模式,進行案例公司的探討。 案例公司的探討結果發現,透過針對公司策略進行的採購組織改組、強化與供應商之協調、輔以電子化採購的導入與對採購倫理的重視等策略性採購內容之實作,確實會為高科技公司帶來收益上的成長以及成本上的優勢。


As a high tech industry facing the high-tensioned competition and fast-changing environment,the important topic is gain more competency in such environment. So as to its cost of raw materials, which consist of 50% to 60% of the total cost should not be underestimate for operation. Strategic procurement is to make the procurement be fitted into the corporation’s strategy. And making the procurement become an important element to achieve corporation’s strategic goals. The purpose of this research is to understand the strategy and the functions of procurement in the international high-tech industry, and to find out the role of electronic procurement in strategic procurement. Furthermore, this research will induct the differences between strategic procurement and procurement strategy by gathering information from varies references. This research conclusions how strategic procurement is achieved, and use this model on the case study of a true company. The basic elements to achieve strategic procurement are: (1) the procurement strategy been integrated into corporation’s strategy, (2) the long-term relationship with suppliers, (3) the capability to make its own decision, to coordinate and react rapidly, (4) the utilization of electronic procurement, (5) And high emphasis on ethics. Based on the findings in the case analysis, through reconstruction of procurement orgination, strengthening coordination with suppliers, leading in electronic procurement, and putting more emphasis on procurement ethic, the implementation of strategic procurement will definitely gain more competition on the cost and sales growth for high-tech corporations.


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