  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 何應欽


統計資料顯示,2006年台灣平面顯示器產業的產值高達1.27兆元,其中位居關鍵地位的是 LCD面板生產,2006年產值高達0.91兆元,預計2007年將正式突破1兆元。而台灣面板廠的兩隻老虎新友達與奇美電紛紛扶植自家集團的供應鍊體系,因此對專業零組件供應商構成了不小的威脅。 A 公司為TFT-LCD面板之關鍵材料 -- 偏光板之專業製造商,創業之初是以技術開發、生產彈性與快速服務為手段而快速獲得客戶的認同,其市佔率曾高達60%以上; 近年來的發展,採積極的擴充產線並複製生產製程,試圖以生產規模經濟來降低成本。隨著市場競爭者加入,使原本寡占市場逐漸轉成完全競爭市場,而諸多的量產行為亦造成許多的浪費,包括庫存、損耗、空間不足與品質不良等。因此,轉型,才能真正的消除浪費、創造利潤。 「精實系統」是各種類型的組織和市場,開創「價值」和「品質」的思想系統。簡而言之,精實系統思考法能做到「投入日少,而產出愈多」。 善用它的話,就可用更少的努力、更少的設備、更少的時間空間,而使產出愈來愈接近顧客所要的。 本研究以個案研究的研究方法,對個案公司推動「精實系統」藉以提出從量產轉為精實生產的轉型方法與實用的行動計畫並與以制度化。本研究的目的:探討個案公司在轉型過程中,「精實系統」推動之綜效。 研究結果發現,「精實系統」模式在實際運用於光電零組件偏光板產業生產流程改善後,可縮短生產週期時間、增加交貨彈性、降低庫存而增加企業競爭力,使企業獲得實質上的經營效益,進而達成企業永續經營的目標。


精實系統 偏光板 品質 價值


According to the reported statistic data, it was showing that the sales revenue of Flat Panel Display Industry was about 1,270 billions in Taiwan in 2006. LCD Panel (Liquid Crystal Display Panel) is the key parts of this industry. The annual production quantity of LCD Panel was 910 billions in 2006 and the forecasting amount would be over 1,000 billions in 2007. AUO and CMO are two major companies of producing LCD panel in Taiwan. They are starting to set up their own supply chain system.including polarizer. These actions threaten the other polarizer manufacturer. Polarizer is the key material of LCD Panel and company A is a polarizer manufacturing company which produces polarizer only. During the beginning years, the marketing share of the company A was ever over 60%, due to their advance technologies, flexible production methods and fast services. Recently, the company A aggressively expands the production lines and processes and tries to enlarge the production scale to reduce the production cost. When the competitors join to this market, the polizer market is from oligo turning to completely competition market. Hence, production up and market down results in lot of wastes, which including stocks up, wastage more, space insufficiency, and bad quality etc. Therefore, transformation or change is necessary for company A, meanwhile wastage eliminating and profits manking are important. “Lean System” is a logical thinking and also is introduced to variety organizations and markets to make “Value” and “Quality”. In brief, “Lean system” is trying to “Use fewer inputs, and make more outputs.” If we can properly use it, it could help us to reduce labors cost and to use less equipment, time and space to produce more and satisfy customer’s requirements. This research was using case study method and applying “Lean Production system” on the company A to find out the method how to transform from mass production to lean production. And this research was through the realistic action plan to systematize production method of “lean system” for the company A. The purpose of impletementing lean procution system is getting the synergy from improving process of company A. The result of this research shows that lean production system could reduce the production lead time and cycle time, increase flexibility, reduce inventory and improve enterprise competitive capability. It makes enterprise get more virtual operational beneficial result, and then achieve the company everlasting.


Polarizer Lean Production System Quality Value


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