  • 學位論文


The Acquisition of Art Cultural Industries by Technological Industries:A Case Study in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林博文


在台灣,根據元大京華證券(2007)的統計,從2002年到2006年合併累積件數為763件,累計金額約新台幣3,424億元。 因此,在可見的將來,我國經濟將進入轉型企業,合併的風潮將是自然的趨勢。對於影響企業間併購的因素不勝枚舉,尤其又以同業合併者居多。異業合併在台灣史上可說是較為少數與不同的嘗試。 為此,本研究希望透過台灣異業合併案的個案,探討在科技產業和文化藝術產業合併過程中的相互影響、相互衝擊、相互刺激、相互激盪與相互融合,是否可以如同業合併後可以產生一套依循的模式。 本研究的個案因為還是進行式,因此很多效益仍未顯現。主併公司所派去的高階主管仍在摸索與調整的階段,因此對於此宗台灣第一宗異業合併的案例,暫時無法見到其綜效與依循的法則,唯合併的前置作業與實質合併過程中的相互影響、相互衝擊、相互刺激與相互激盪等種種過程中的人事物經歷皆可以作為未來異業合併的參考。 如果此研究在假以時日,能繼續從多面向進行延續性的深入研究及分析(如財務面的表現、文化的整合及組織效能客觀的表現等等),其參考價值將更為全面。 此外,本研究之個案深度訪談主要對象是以高階主管為主,因此在人數上與層級上有觀察的限制。對中階主管及基層員工等的訪談為輔助性質。若能將訪談延伸至雙方顧客,對於本研究的參考價值將更提升。


併購 異業併購


Based on statistics compiled by Yuanta Securities, there has been a total number of 763 corporate mergers & acquisitions in Taiwan from year 2002 to 2006, accumulating a total amount around NT342 billion. Therefore, in the foreseeable future, Taiwan’s economy will enter into an era of corporate transformation, and mergers & acquisitions is a natural consequence of that transformation. Many factors influence the decision for companies to merge, most of which involve companies within the same industry sector. However, there have been very few attempts for conglomerate mergers in Taiwan’s corporate history. As such, this paper attempts to use the case study of a conglomerate merger between technology and art cultural sector, and investigate whether the interactions, conflicts and stimulus that occur during the integration process can produce a repeatable model similar to that of a standard merger within the same industry. Since the subject of the case study is still on-going, many synergies are yet to be realized. Management from the acquiring company is still in process of discovery and adjustment. Therefore, the synergistic effects of the first conglomerate merger case in Taiwan cannot be documented at this moment. However, the interaction and conflict that occur among the people during the preparation and actual merger stage can act as benchmark for future conglomerate merger considerations. It is desired that this study continue in time for follow-on investigation and analysis (such as financial performance, cultural integration and organizational efficiency), the reference value of this study will be more complete. Also, the interviews carried out in this case study focused on senior management, therefore it is limited in both number and level. Interviews with middle management and first line employees were supplementary. If the study can be extended to customers from both companies, the reference value of this study can be further enhanced.


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