  • 學位論文


Trend Development and Strategic Analysis of Taiwan LED lighting industry

指導教授 : 黎正中


摘 要 傳統照明不僅耗能且不環保,亦消耗浪費國家有限的電力資源。根據國外的統計分析,LED燈泡比傳統燈泡至少節省40%的能源,若全面更換為LED光源,地球一年可節省1,460億美元的能源費用,以及減少6億3,000千萬噸二氧化碳排放量。因此LED照明的卓越貢獻與後續發展,已成為全球注目焦點。 節能減碳已是全球關心的議題,過去十餘年來,台灣的溫室氣體排放成長率幾乎是世界之冠,如2006年的溫室氣體排放量是1990年時的2.4倍。異常的氣候導致颱風、豪雨、乾旱、海平面逐年上升,以及日漸加劇的溫室效應等大地反撲的威脅接踵而來。為解決日益嚴重的地球暖化問題,限制二氧化碳等溫室氣體排放,是當前國際社會共同努力的目標。當各國紛紛訂出邁向低碳社會的目標後,臺灣的時程也最為墊後,2020年才回到2008年的二氧化碳排放量。如果我們能積極發展LED照明,以台灣一般的照明年用電量約260億度來看,每年就能省下107億度用電量,可節約41%左右的電力,屆時將可拉近與世界各國所訂定的二氧化碳減量標準距離,有效減緩二氧化碳等溫室氣體排放對地球造成的傷害。 本研究基於環保立場以及節約能源為訴求,強調LED照明的崛起能為國家、企業乃至個人帶來正面節能效益與龐大商機。台灣本身缺乏天然資源,大部分的能源都依賴進口,因此如何有效率的管理及善用有限能源是本研究欲傳遞的核心重點。LED照明產業為綠能重要的一環,因影響層面廣,是政府急欲扶植的新興行業。預測在2012年其技術與價格會有突破性的發展,屆時透過政府政策利多推廣以及業者行銷策略的相互配合,即可加速LED照明的普及程度,未來LED照明產業將有機會挑戰繼TFT-LCD產業後,下一個突破兆元的明星產業。


Abstract Not only the traditional lighting consumes energy also not the environmental. It consumes and wastes our limited electricity generation resources. According to the overseas statistical analysis, the LED light bulb saves 40% energy at least compared to the traditional light bulb, if all replace to the LED lighting in the world, the Earth may save 1,460 hundred million US dollar of energy cost, as well as reduces 600,000,000 3,000 thousands of ton carbon dioxide withdrawal. Therefore, the LED lighting will contribution a lot for us and we are also care about the following development. Everybody will pay attention on this topic. Energy saving and reduces the carbon impact are become a global issue. In the past ten years, Taiwan's greenhouse gases emissions growth rate was nearly crown of the world, like 2006 discharge of greenhouse gases was time 1990 2.4 times. The unusual climate causes typhoon, torrential rain, drought, sea level to rise year by year, as well as intensifies day after day earth and so on. More and more green house effect will impact our life. In order to solve day by day of serious Earth warming problem. To limited carbon dioxide and discharge of greenhouse gases that is the goal which the current international society joint effort. After the various countries subscribe in abundance advance to the low-carbon society the goal, Taiwan's time interval was so late. In 2020 will just returns to 2008 discharge of carbon dioxide level. If we can develop the LED lighting earlier, general looked approximately by Taiwan according to the next year electricity consumption 26,000,000,000 degrees, can save 10,700,000,000 degrees electricity consumptions every year, may save 41% about electric power. At that time ,might pull closer the carbon dioxide decrement standard distance which will subscribe with the various countries decides, will slow down the carbon dioxide thermo stable room gas emissions effectively the injury which will create to the Earth. This research is based on the environmental and energy saving. To highlight the LED lighting can brings energy benefit and huge opportunity for our country, company, and personally. Taiwan itself lacks the natural resources, the majority of energy all rely on the import. Therefore, how the effective management and control of the limited energy is the core item which this research wants to transmit. The LED lighting is one of the important green energy part, which the government desire to support. The forecast of technology and price can have the unprecedented development in 2012. At that time penetrates the government policy advantage promotions as well as the business strategy coordination, then the LED lighting can reach to the certainly level. In the future, LED lighting will have the opportunity to challenge the TFT-LCD industry. To be a next supper star industry.


[13] 品質月刊,我國LED環保光源之產業發展與面臨挑戰(2)44卷12
PAGE 227
2009/06 PAGE 120
期 2008年12月


