  • 學位論文


An Energy/Accuracy-Optimized Framework for Context Sensing on Smartphones

指導教授 : 金仲達 徐正炘


隨著微電子技術的廣大的發展,許多的感測器現在可以整合到智慧型手機上。它們利用豐富的感測器來偵測環境背景,系統狀態和用戶活動,來開發出許多情境感知的應用程序(Context-Aware applications)。對於智慧型手機而言,不同的應用程序可能會要求相同的情境是很常見的事情,情境可以通過感測器的不同組合來推斷。目前的手機系統並沒有去協調情境感知的應用程序中所要使用的感測器,導致開啟冗餘的感測器和造成不必要的能源消耗。在這篇論文中,我們提出一個介於感測器和應用程式之間的精準度/耗能優化之情境感測框架,它能挑選最佳的感測器組合,來滿足所有應用程序的情境感知的需求。我們提供不同兩個優化條件:耗能優化,在滿足所有需求的精準度要求下,盡可能降低能源的消耗。精準度優化,在給定能量預算的情況下,盡可能最大化整體的精準度。我們的實驗結果表明,跟原本Android不協調的感測器管理機制下比較,使用我們提出的情境感測框架,在耗能優化下,耗電平均降低30.45%;在精準度優化下,耗電平均降低19.91%。


情境感測 框架 省電 智慧型手機


With the vast developments of microelectronics, a multitude of sensors can now be packed into a smart phone. This has enabled many context-aware applications that utilize the rich set of sensors to sense the environmental contexts, system status, and user activities. For a smart phone, it is common that different applications may request the same context, while a context may be inferred by different combinations of sensors. Current phone systems do not coordinate the use of sensors by the context-aware applications, leading to redundant sensors activated and unnecessary energy consumption. In this thesis, we propose an Energy/Accuracy-Optimized Framework (EAOF), which sits between the applications and the low-level sensors to provide a coordinated and optimized use of sensors to satisfy the context-sensing requirements of the applications. The use of sensors may be optimized based on two criteria: energy-optimized, which minimizes the total energy consumption while maintaining a target accuracy, and accuracy-optimized, which maximizes the overall accuracy under a given energy budget. Our experimental results show that the power consumption can be reduced by 30.45% in the energy-optimized mode and 19.91% in the accuracy-optimized mode, compared with the original, uncoordinated sensor management on Android.


Context-aware Framework Power-saving smartphone


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