  • 學位論文


Relationship between static hand dimensions and functional hand dimensions in grasping

指導教授 : 王明揚


本論文是探討人們抓握握把時,手部靜態與功能性尺寸轉換之間的關聯性,並藉由人體計測的量測方法,比較兩種尺寸轉換過程的變化,以建立手部靜態與功能性尺寸轉換的預測模型。研究方法分為兩個部份:第一部份為前測實驗,共有4位男性與4位女性參與,分別代表不同手長群體之受測者,以直接量測法量測各項手部尺寸,並透過主觀舒適度量表,與25, 30, 35, 40, 45及50 mm等六種握把直徑水準,了解握把直徑、受測者主觀舒適度與手部尺寸之間的關係。第二部份為正式實驗,共有15位男性與15位女性參與,每位受測者在手部體表參考點上黏貼標記物,以直接量測法與3D掃描量測法量測各項手部尺寸,並依照前測實驗結果,給予適合受測者手長的握把模型抓握(握把模型之直徑包含10 mm的油土厚度)。利用3D腳型量測儀掃描握把模型,並計算各標記點之間在抓握前後的變化量。   經過正式實驗後,得到以下重點結論,可供作未來手工具設計的參考:1.經由研究結果證實,本研究定義的標記點為手部靜態與功能性尺寸轉換之關鍵對應點。2.研究結果發現,在舒適且不用力緊握握把的情況下,12項手部靜態尺寸轉換成功能性尺寸的變化比例常數,其中四指的變化比例常數分別為:食指=0.3623、中指=0.4016、無名指0.3632、小指=0.3253。3.人的各項手部尺寸大小雖不同,但在舒適且不施力的情況下抓握,其變化比例卻是相同。本實驗排除其他可能影響手部尺寸變化的因子,僅就舒適度、握把直徑與手部尺寸等因子做探討,此乃本論文之研究限制。


The purpose of this thesis is to study the relationship between static hand dimensions and functional hand dimensions in grasping by means of the methods of anthropometry and to compare the variations of these two dimensions to make prediction models of hand dimensions. This study consists of two experiments. The first part is preliminary tests. In the first experiment there are 4 male and 4 female subjects, representing different hand length groups. Using the direct-measure method, subjective comfortability scale and 6 different handle diameters (25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 mm) to find out the relationship among handle diameters, hand dimensions and subjective comfortability of subjects. There are 15 male and 15 female subjects in the second experiment and each subject is asked to paste with marks on the defined points on the hand. Each hand dimension is measured by means of the direct-measure method and 3D-scan method. According to the results of the first experiment, each subject is given a fit handle covered with 10 mm clay to grasp. After grasping, the handles will be scanned by the 3D scanner. After the experiments, these conclusions are made.1. By the results, the 17 points defined in this study can be the key points between static hand dimensions and functional hand dimensions.2. When grasping the handles with comfort and without force, there are 12 constant ratios of variations between static hand dimensions and functional hand dimensions in grasping. For example, the constant ratio for index finger is 0.3623; for middle finger is 0.4016; for ring finger is 0.3632; for little finger is 0.3253. 3. Although one’s hand dimensions are different from another, the ratios between static hand dimensions and functional hand dimensions in grasping with comfort and without force are constant. Excluding the other factors such as force or angles of joints, this thesis only includes with factors, subjective comfortability, handle diameters and hand dimensions. This is the limitation of this thesis.




