  • 學位論文


“Hot Area” of Shopping Web Site and Performance Study

指導教授 : 王明揚


本研究源於觀察台灣熱門購物網站的商品陳列位置,基於購物網站的網頁設計和行銷考量,在有限的頁面裡,如何呈現最有效的行銷效果。現今的方式多利用首頁當促銷熱區(Hot Area),放置較大篇幅圖片吸引消費者目光,而在其下第二頁之後才是其他同類商品的陳列區;比對實體便利商店裡放置一般商品的熱區考量,則是將最顯眼之區域(必經的櫃台及鄰近貨架邊緣)做為促銷熱區,而將銷量最大之商品置於較遠但容易順手取得之處。由此聯想到虛擬商場,是否也有類似的使用者偏好的點擊熱區的存在及其效益計算的標準?這是值得探討的問題。 本研究將針對國內常見之購物網站為例,探討購物網站的架構和商品陳列設計之使用者偏好特性。本研究將針對這些屬性設計實驗網頁,以測試使用者可能的偏好點擊位置,以及網頁商品陳列區的績效計算基準。本研究將先對電子商務和網站設計及網頁資訊編排作一深入的探討,考慮網頁設計的多項屬性和問卷調查及現況分析,歸納一個參考的購物網站設計樣本。同時,利用此樣本測試使用者的偏好,並進一步驗證其偏好影響因素,藉以確認是否有網頁點擊偏好區域的存在,並以此做為購物網站設計或者評量該區域廣告績效之參考。 實驗數據使用成對樣本t檢定來檢定使用者對於不同目錄格式的點擊偏好差異情況,結果顯示劃分六等分方格的目錄格式和空白區域點擊偏好實驗結果比對在座標的分布上有顯著差異,其餘劃分九等分、十二等分、十五等分的目錄格式則無顯著差異,可見的確有使用者偏好的點擊熱區存在,本研究發現三項主要特性: 1.對於商品目錄區,存在一個偏好的點擊熱區,大約位於畫面中央略偏右的區域,且此偏好與性別無關。 2.在不同滑鼠起點的驗證測試中,與滑鼠起點置中之結果做檢定比對,只有當滑鼠起始位置在左上角時點擊偏好會有顯著差異,亦即受測者會受到左上角起點的影響;但有前測經驗的受測者在中間左側和中間上緣的起點位置也有顯著差異。 3.對於商品目錄區的效益,各目錄格式大致上以中央帶狀區域為主要點擊區。


The idea of this research is originally gained from an observation of the style of merchandise exhibition web pages in Taiwan. Base on web design and marketing issue concerned in a shopping website, how to show the most effective marketing result in a limited page space is major concern. Today, most of these shopping web pages treat first page as promotion hot area and place larger graphics to catch consumers' eyes, while down scrolling the following pages are treated as category of other products in the same type, contrast with the layout of a real convenience store, usually owner treats the most conspicuous area as promotion hot area (such as counter which every consumer must passing by, and the edge of goods shelves nearby), and place popular goods in the far side of the store but handy while passing by. It leads to associate with virtual shopping spaces in thinking, is there any user preference for clicking while browsing product categories? or so called "hot area" exists in shopping website? These subjects are worthy to research and discuss. In this research, several popular Taiwan internal shopping websites will be examples to study user preference for designing of shopping website framework and merchandise exhibition in web pages. There will be an experiment shopping website designed base on these properties with documents and survey data in this research to verify whether user preference for clicking area exists and effect of different factors, then conclude a criterion for reference of designing shopping website or verify performance of website ads in these area. Data collected from experiment shopping website will be tested by “Paired-t Test” with 95% confidence interval and the result shows there is no significant difference between user preference under different categories except 6-squares type. The conclusions are as follows: 1. In product categories area, there exists a preference clicking hot area where located around the center and a little right of product categories area, and there is no difference between male and female.. 2.In the preference of start-point of mouse click test, only upper-left point appear significant difference in every category samples compared with center start-point test, but testers who had been tested in prior experiment show more difference points. 3. In product categories area, each category sample shows most popular clicking area locate about in central banding area.


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