  • 學位論文


Academic Entrepreneurship – The Case of National Tsing Hua University

指導教授 : 林博文


在學術單位進行技術移轉的型態中,創設衍生公司(spinoffs)被認為較技術授權給現有廠商(license)能產生更多的經濟價值(Shane, 2004),因此即使初期仍有學者認為大學機構設立衍生公司會有利益衝突的考量,但目前已有相當多的國外大學是支持此種型態的創業活動的。 本文選定研究清華大學目前發展學術創業之情形,並以個案研究方式觀察一功率估算技術團隊發展新創公司之經過,透過此一個案公司的經驗可歸納出三項推動學術創業的重要因素:(1) 由領袖人物主導:透過領袖人物主導號召的力量,創業初期所需的種子資金及團隊、顧問、投資人、客戶等各種人的聚集將較為順利;(2) 產業資源注入:個案公司與工研院及相關企業的合作,得到了許多企業經營實務及市場資訊,使個案公司能夠進行較完整的營運規劃;(3) 校內單位配合:清大育成中心所提供的空間及行政支援協助了個案公司實際執行其營運計畫。


學術創業 衍生公司


In various types of technology transfer activities in university, it is considered that spinoffs generate more economic value than licensing to current companies. Even though some people argue that universities should not be in the business of establishing companies, which may result in losing their academic souls, most universities have changed their attitudes to support this idea. This research investigates the environment of academic entrepreneurship in National Tsing Hua University and conducts a case study on the entrepreneurial process of a start-up company to find the key factors to promote entrepreneurship in universities. The factors found are as follows. (1) Leader: The leader who has vision and great resources can promote and facilitate entrepreneurial activities effectively by putting fund and right people together. (2) Industrial Resources: Through cooperation with Industrial Technology Research Institute and related companies, the start-up company in this case acquires management experiences and market information to help it plan its business operation and strategy. (3) Administrative Support: In this case, Innovation Incubator Center in NTHU plays an important role to provide the start-up company with offices and administrative support, which are very helpful when it starts to operate.


Academic Entrepreneurship Spin-off


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