  • 學位論文

基於IEEE 1500之自動化延遲錯誤測試架構

An Automatic Delay Fault Test Framework based on IEEE 1500

指導教授 : 張慶元


在半導體產業的高度發展之下,晶片中所擁有的電晶體個數隨著製程技術的提升表現出一個快速成長的趨勢,也使後原本只擁有單一功能的晶片可以將一個完整的系統置入其中,也就是所謂的系統晶片(System on Chip)。而系統晶片的運用也漸漸變成一個成熟的技術,且隨著操作頻率的提升,許多與時間有關的問題以及所造成的錯誤也變的越趨嚴重,其中將針對因延遲所造成的錯誤做一個討論,我們稱之為延遲錯誤測試(Delay Fault Testing),對系統晶片而言,目前已有一套關於系統晶片測試的標準存在,但在這套標準當中並未對延遲錯誤測試制定出一套規範,為了使用整個系統晶片測試標準更加的完善,試圖在這套標準之下將延遲錯誤測試的功能置入其中,為了達到這個目的,文中提出了一個時脈控制器來產生延遲錯誤測試所需要的連續的系統時脈,並以一套完善的流程來完成整個延遲錯誤測試,並驗證其正確性以確保整個測試的可靠度及準確性。




Due to the rapidly increasing capacity of semi-conductor technology, the design methodology has come to a higher level of abstraction. The IEEE 1500 is provided to test functionality of each core in SOC but dose not verify its timing specifications. In this thesis, a delay fault test architecture that consists of modified wrapper based on IEEE 1500, a delay-test-aware clock controller and the modified TAP controller are presented. The delay-test-aware clock controller can generate the desired clock pulse for delay fault timing specification. Then, the test sequence is controlled by the modified TAP controller. The simulation results show successful delay fault testing application to a Crypto Processor with satisfying test quality and accuracy.


Delay Fault Testing


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