  • 學位論文


Labor Market Participation of Foreign Spouses in Taiwan: Employment Status and Choice of Employment Sector

指導教授 : 莊慧玲


本文利用2003年內政部「外籍與大陸配偶生活狀況調查報告」之統計資料,對於在台東南亞籍與大陸籍女性配偶 (本文將兩者統稱為外籍配偶) 的就業狀態與產業選擇進行研究。我們從家庭勞動供給、人力資本及社會資本等理論出發,運用Binary Logit Model,Multinomial Logit Model 和 Bivariate Probit Model等計量方法進行迴歸估計,試圖找出影響外籍配偶就業狀態與產業選擇的重要因素。 實證結果顯示,外籍配偶的就業狀態與其家庭背景、人力資本、社會資本及其他個人特徵變數皆有顯著的關聯,其中,六歲以下小孩個數、丈夫的就業狀態與教育程度、居住地的城鎮規模等對於外籍配偶的就業機率具有負向的影響,而外籍配偶本身的教育程度、來台年數、語言能力、曾經參與的課程輔導個數,以及是否具有台灣身份等對於其就業機率則有正向的影響。實證結果也顯示,外籍配偶的產業選擇主要與其家庭背景變數─丈夫的教育程度和產業選擇,及其他個人特徵變數─是否來自中國大陸、是否具有台灣身份和居住地的城鎮規模等顯著相關,相較之下,人力資本變數對於產業選擇的影響則相當微弱。此外,本文也發現東南亞籍配偶與大陸籍配偶的勞動行為之間的確存在著些許差異。


This study examines the employment status and choice of employment sector of female foreign spouses from Southeast Asia and Mainland China in Taiwan. Based on the theories of family labor supply, human capital, and social capital, we conducted an empirical analysis using the data from the 2003 Survey of Foreign and Mainland Spouses’ Life Status. A binary logit model, multinomial logit model, and bivariate probit model were adopted as our estimation methods. The estimation results indicate that family background, human capital, social capital, and other personal characteristics are all significant in determining the employment status of foreign spouses. In particular, the number of children younger than six years old, husband’s employment status, husband’s educational level, and the scale of town have negative impacts on employment status, while educational level, years since migration, language fluency, number of programs attended in the past, and immigrant status have positive impacts on employment status. In addition, family background, including husband’s educational level and husband’s employment sector, and other personal characteristics, such as Chinese origin, citizenship, and the scale of town, show influences on the choice of employment sector by foreign spouses. However, unlike the analysis of employment status, human capital does not play an important role in determining the choice of employment sector.


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