  • 學位論文


The Research on Fictions Written in Taiwanese During the Japanese Ruling Period

指導教授 : 陳萬益 李勤岸


日本時代e台灣人處ti傳統kap現代社會交接e過渡時期,雖bong日本官方推sak國語政策,koh當時來自所謂「祖國」e中國白話文chiaN作潮流,致使日本時代e台灣文學有be少日文kap中國白話文作品;m-koh因為多數住民iau處ti「台灣話」語境內底,所以ma自然產生濟濟台語文學,包括台灣人e傳統漢詩、歌仔冊、民間歌謠、散文、小說、戲齣劇本等等。「日本時代台語小說研究」探討日本時代「台灣話文」無標準化e種種困著內面,an-choaN成就出屬ti無仝階層e台灣人e「台語小說」。   比較起詩kap散文,台語小說會tang承載當時phong-phai、真實koh活骨e語言,咱ti伊所納入ê時代複雜性、愈曠闊歷史面相,看tioh kap過去討論台灣文學ê時濟濟無siang e歷史觀照。目前日本時代出土e小說,白話字e部分包括教會公報中ti 1910年代刊載e短篇小說、賴仁聲kap鄭溪泮ti 1920年代出版e長篇小說;漢字e部分有新文學運動期間蔡秋桐、楊逵、賴和e台灣話文小說,許丙丁kap鄭坤五以淺白文言所寫e傳統小說ma陸續ti 1930、1940年代出版。作者無濟,小說文本篇數ma有限,m-koh咱ti chiah-e小說中,看tioh宗教家e人道精神、常民視野、西方文明e介入;智識分子e認同轉向、民族主義ham社會主義e書寫實踐;甚至有區域性e在地神話kap集體性e歷史記憶teh重新起造。Thang講日本時代台語小說因為有無仝價值觀e書寫系統,已經創作出真多元豐富e書寫觀點。   透過文本研究、ui khah久長e歷史意義來看,台語文學ti戰前留loh 2個文字書寫傳統:西方基督教chah來e白話字傳統、漢文化(儒教為主)e漢字傳統;雖然當時影響程度long有限,ma khah屬ti分別進行e狀況,但是,亦有相當e推廣kap結合。Chit「2個傳統」ti戰後初期正式kap作伙,對戰後台語文(學)發展,有無法度議量e現象kap真大e力量,chiaN作現時「漢羅」書寫系統累積e文學成績,koh影響客語文學、原住民文學因為漢字無法度完全傳達chiah-e語言e讀音kap內涵,ma有漢羅合寫e趨勢,hou多語族e台灣文學ke愈有真正多音開闊e未來。「日本時代台語小說研究」以siong傳統ê分析方式解說文本,ng望hou「台語文學」研究有1個khah歷史tek e思考根據,ma提供「台灣文學」有khah新e價值參考kap美學判斷。


Under the Japanese ruling, Taiwanese people were in a transitional period between a traditional and a modern societies.. The National Language Policy (kokugo seisaku) carried out by the Japanese Authority, and the trendy Mandarin vernacular writing from then so-called “Fatherland”, both caused that quite a lot of Taiwanese literature works were written in Japanese and Mandarin vernacular in the Japanese colonial period. However, most of the inhabitants in Taiwan in that time still lived in a “Taiwanese speaking” environment, that’s why there were also many works written in Taiwanese, which including classic Chinese poems, koa-á-chheh (songbooks of Taiwanese Opera), folk rhymes, essays, fictions and scripts of theatres. The thesis, The Research on Fictions Written in Taiwanese During the Japanese Ruling Period, discusses how the accomplishment of Taiwanese written fictions belonging to all classes of Taiwanese people were achieved, though there were different kinds of difficulties including the lack of standardized Taiwanese writing. Compared with poetry and prose, Taiwanese written fictions are good vehicles to contain the abundant, real-life and vivid utterances spoken in that time. Through the complexity of the age, broadened facets of history involved in these works, we are able to find historical views not alike the ones in the discussions of Taiwanese literatures so far. The excavations of the said works include POJ-employed and Han-characters-employed fictions. Works in POJ comprise the novelettes gazetted in Kàu-hōe Kong-pò (Taiwan Prefectural City Church News) in 1910s and novels authored by Loa Jin-seng (賴仁聲)and TeN Khe-phoan(鄭溪泮)that were published in 1920s. The Han character written ones are formed by fictions written by Chhoa Chhiu-tong(蔡秋桐), IuN Kui(楊逵) and Loa Ho(賴和)during the course of New Literature Movement. Also the traditional fictions by Khou PiaN-teng (許丙丁)and TeN Khun-ngou(鄭坤五)written in less-classic Chinese were published in succession in 1930s and 1940s. Given a few authors and texts, still we can see humanity of religionists, the vision of hoi polloi, the intervention of Occidental civilization, the shift of identity of the intellectuals, the practice of nationalism and socialism per writing, and even the re-construction of regional/local myths and collective historical memory. The different writing systems of fictions in Taiwanese during the Japanese ruling with dissimilar values have produced multidimensional and enriched viewpoints of writing. By researching on these texts and with long-term historical significance, the literature in Taiwanese has left two writing traditions before World War II. One of them is the POJ tradition budding from the mission of the Occidental Christianity, and the other is Han character tradition of the Han culture (mainly the Confucianism). Developing respectively with some spreading and cooperation, the “two traditions”, both with limited influence in their time, were officially integrated during the early years after the War, and have brought out incredible phenomena and powers. The cumulative achievements of the current Han-Roman mixture writing (writing with Han characters and Romanized mixedly) affected Hakka literature and aboriginal literature to adopt Han-Roman mixture too. Both of them have difficulty to express exact pronunciation and denotation in pure Han character writing as well. The trend augurs a bright and symphonic future of the multi-lingual Taiwanese literature. The Research on Fictions Written in Taiwanese During the Japanese Ruling Period explains the texts with the most conventional analytical methods. The researcher hopes to lay a historical foundation of thoughts in the research of the Taiwanese written literature, and provide newer references of values and aesthetic judgement.


M艾馬克(Mark A. Allee)著,王興安譯《十九世紀的北部台灣》(Law and local society in late imperial Chinanorthern Taiwan in the nineteenth century),台北:播種者,2003.09



