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The Study of Modern Japanese Literature in Taiwan


自1895 年起到1945 為止的50 年間,台灣成為日本的殖民地,與日本發展出緊密的關係。戰後,雖然經歷了一段極為不穩的歲月,包括1972 年的斷交,但整體來說,台日雙方始終以「民間交流的關係」,保持著友好關係。這不僅是出現在經濟上、文化上、旅遊上的交流,甚至是連屬於小眾的文學,也出現翻譯作品、賞析作品甚至是學術研究等的具體成果。文學中尤其以近現代文學的研究較為熱門。探究台日120 年的關係時,近代文學研究的實態,應該也是一個不容忽視的切入點。本研究即是懷抱如此的問題意識,擬分成三個時代來探究。並擬於文末提出「研究現狀的問題點及未來的發展性」的議題,陳述筆者的具體建議。以下簡單敘述三個時代的概況。「殖民時代」,在台日本人中不乏研究日本近代文學的學者,例如,島田謹二、新垣宏一、矢野峰人等著名人物。而台灣人當中如龍瑛宗、楊逵、張文環、翁鬧等文學家,則多被指出其著作受到日本的文學思潮,如普羅文學、新感覺派、日本浪漫派、大正時期的恋愛至上主義、生命主義等的影響。「戦後至李登輝總統的時代」這段期間,經歷了「嚴禁日語教學」的低迷階段之後,到了60 年代,日本語文學系的相繼設立,一改過去的封閉性,這時的日本近代文學的學習與研究再度受到重視。到了李登輝總統主政的90 年代,「日本近代文學史」陸續問世,對於日本近代文學的學習提供了重要的啟蒙功能。2000 年以後,日本近現代文學研究的風氣日炙,直至2015 年的今日,質量俱佳的學術專書陸續出版,可謂是到了近現代文學研究的成熟期。本研究意欲整理這15 年當中,學者專家及研究生的著作成果,分析出研究的方向性。


Since 1985 to 1945 between these 50 years, Taiwan became a colony of Japan, and developed a close relationship with Japan. After the war, although encountered a period of great instability, including sever of diplomatic relations in 1972, but on the whole, Taiwan and Japan have always maintained a friendly relations through “non-governmental exchanges”. This appears not only on the economic, cultural, tourism exchanges, even the minority literature, also have translation, appreciation works, and even academic studies and other concrete results. Especially the study of modern literature is particularly popular in literary. Exploring the 120 years of relationship between Taiwan and Japan, the field of literary studies should be an important starting point. As this study embraces such a problem awareness, therefore, intend to divide into three eras to explore. And to propose an issue of “research of current problems situation and its future development“ at the end, stating the author’s specific recommendations. The following is the brief overview of the three eras. “Colonial era”, there are many Japanese scholars studying modern Japanese literature in Taiwan, for example, Shimada Kinji, Niigaki Kōichi, Hōjin Yano and other famous people. And among the Taiwanese, such as Long In-Chung, Yang Kue, Zhang Wen-Huan, Ong Nao and other literary authors, have been pointed out that their literary works were influenced by the Japan literary trend, such as the Proletarian literature, neo sensualist, Japan romantic style, the love supremacist during Taisho era, the doctrine of life etc. During the “Post war till the President Lee Tend-hui’s period”, experienced a “prohibit Japanese education” downcast phase, then, to the 60s, the setting up of the Japanese literature department, changes the former sealed nature, the study and research of modern Japanese literature has renewed its attention once again. When it came to the 90s, where President Lee Teng-hui was in power, “the history of modern Japanese literature” gradually published, and provides an important enlightenment function in the study of modern Japanese literature. After Year 2000, the practice of the modern Japanese literature study was broiling until today, academic books with superb quality being gradually published, it can be described as the maturity period of the modern literature study. This study is intended to organize the work achievements of the scholars and the graduates during this 15 years, analyze the research direction.


『文藝臺灣』第1 巻第5 号(1940)臺灣文藝家協会
『文藝臺灣』第1 巻第6 号(1940)臺灣文藝家協会
『文藝臺灣』第2 巻第5 号(1941)臺灣文藝家協会
『文藝臺灣』第2 巻第6 号(1941)臺灣文藝家協会
『文藝臺灣』第3 巻第6 号(1942)臺灣文藝家協会
