  • 學位論文


A Case Study about Vendor Managed Inventory of Color Filter in TFL-LCD Manufacturing Industry

指導教授 : 林則孟


隨著資訊科技的發展與消費者在消費型態上的轉變,製造業也必須進行嶄新的變革,來對抗供應鏈上所產生的長鞭效應的影響。為了降低供應鏈整體的庫存成本以及強化供應鏈整體競爭能力,製造業者不斷的鼓吹實施供應商管理存貨(VMI)並且行之有年,此作法對電子製造產業帶來許多益處,尤其在庫存資金的降低更為明顯。但是近幾年來由於少量多樣的需求已經替代了大量生產的模式,供應商管理存貨方法之導入實施面臨了如何與上游供應商搭配,才可以使供應商管理存貨之成效持續增大的問題。 本論文以TFT-LCD產業為例,透過文獻探討,歸納在傳統採購模式下以及在供應商管理存貨(VMI)模式下,企業對於供應商遴選因子以及供應商遴選之差異。透過問卷調查的方式來得到各個遴選供應商因子的相對應的權重,以提供企業在導入供應商管理存貨(VMI)後的後續作法之參考。 透過二階段問卷調查並且經過排序法(Ranking Method)進行供應商優先順序排序後,本研究結果發現: 1.在傳統採購模式下以及在供應商管理存貨的模式下,品質仍然是企業在進行供應商遴選上最重要的項目因子。 2.在傳統採購模式下,企業最在乎的是供應商本身的品質能力,透過供應商的遴選來選擇品質最好的供應商進行供貨合作,但在供應商管理存貨模式下,企業是透過與供應商資訊與技術合作的方式來達到品質共同提升、供應鏈整理庫存成本共同下降以及供應鏈整體效率更優化的目標。 3.在供應商管理存貨模式下,企業在供應商的選擇上比較在乎供應商在配合度上的能力。


With the development of information technology and the change of spending behavior of consumers, the manufacturers need to make some radical reforms to confront the bullwhip effect on the supply chain. In order to reduce the cost of inventory and to enhance the competitiveness of the supply chain, the manufacturers have encouraged suppliers to execute vendor managed inventory for many years. It has brought much more benefit to electronics manufacturing, especially the reduction of the cost of inventory. However, HMLV (high mix low volume) production model arises and LMHV (low mix high volume) production is replaced in recent years. In coducting the VMI approach, the suppliers are faced with the problem of how to cooperate with the upstream suppliers so as to expand the effects of implementing the VMI approach. Taking TFT-LCD industry as an example, the research is to study the differences of supplier selection and selection factors of enterprises between traditional purchasing model and vendor managed inventory model. Moreover, the research will also talk about the weight of the factors by using questionnaire to provide a reference for enterprises after they intergrate vendor managed inventory. Through the two-stage questionnaire and the ranking method, we find that: 1.”Quality” is still the most important factor for the enterprises when it comes to the selection of suppliers both in the traditional purchasing model and in the vendor mananged inventory model. 2. In the traditional purchasing model, the enterprises pay the most attention to the supplier quality ability. The enterprise will choose the best one to cooperate with. However, in the vendor mananged inventory model, the enterprises reached the gaol of upgrading the quality, reducing the cost and improving the efficiency of the supply chain by cooperating with the supplier in information and technology. 3. In the vendor mananged inventory model, the supplier cooperative ability is more important to the enterprise. Enterprises put more emphasis on the cooperativeness of the suppliers when choosing suppliers.


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