  • 學位論文


Beyond Lingua Franca: System-Facilitated Language Switching Diversifies Participation in Multiparty Multilingual Communication

指導教授 : 王浩全 山下直美


在跨語言溝通情境的群組討論當中,若群組由母語人士以及數個非母語人士所組 成,則非母語人士會交替使用共同語言以及自己的母語來有效率的達成對話上的 共識。然而,這種語碼轉換的行為,會使得在場無法理解該語言的其他人在被排除 在外,且不適合用在正式會議的場合當中。為了讓這些非母語人士能夠更彈性的在 跨語言群組討論當中自由轉換語言,並降低將他人排除在外的影響。我們使用了可 自動偵測參與者當下使用語言的語言支援工具,並提供逐字顯示及機器翻譯來隨 時輔助在共同語言以及非母語人士所使用母語之轉換。 在受試者內設計的實驗當中,我們邀請了 19 個群組(每個群組由兩位日本母語人及 兩位中文母語者所組成),在共地的狀況下進行一系列的決策任務,並比較在有此 語言支援工具以及無此語言支援工具下的不同。實驗結果顯示,該語言支援工具在 正式討論過程當中鼓勵了非母語人士更多程度的參與,並增加了非母語人士的自 發性的發言行為。而根據測後問卷顯示,在使用此語言工具的狀況下合作品質較低, 透過訪談的質性資料及研究者的觀察,我們得知由於該語言支援工具的限制,延遲 顯示及翻譯錯誤容易中斷共地參與者的溝通過程。但我們也發現,由於該語言支援 工具的共地分享性,非母語人士之間得以彼此互助確認,並口頭即時改正翻譯錯誤, 以避免溝通上的誤解。


When multiple non-native speakers (NNSs) who share the same native language join a group discussion with native speakers (NSs) of the common language used in the discussion, they sometimes switch back and forth between common language and their native language to reach common ground. However, such code-switching makes others feel excluded and thus not considered appropriate during formal meetings. To offer NNSs more flexibility to code-switch in a group discussion while minimizing the cost of excluding others, we introduced a language support tool that automatically detects between two pre-defined spoken languages, and then transcribe as well as translate them into another language (common language or NNS’s native language). In a within-subject study involving 19 quads (two Japanese and two Chinese) in a collocated setting, participants were asked to perform a series of decision-making tasks with and without the tool. Results showed that the language support tool encouraged diverse use of language during a meeting, resulting in more equal participation from each group member. Although the perceived quality of collaboration became lower, it also elicited helping behaviors among the NNS pairs.


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