  • 學位論文


Development and Application of Multi-function Drosophila Behavior Chip

指導教授 : 方維倫 傅建中


為了解人類大腦的運作,科學家們先以較簡單的大腦進行研究,其中一種方式是使用果蠅進行研究,透過果蠅的行為觀察加上生物技術的幫忙來了解大腦的運作。但現今果蠅的行為實驗平台,每次所進行的實驗數目有限,需耗費大量人力,因此並無法有效率的得到大量實驗數據,且這些設備多半僅適用單一果蠅行為實驗,無法有效的廣泛應用在不同的行為實驗中。為此本研究希望以微機電(Micro-Electro-Mechanical System, MEMS)技術之元件整合與批量化製造的優點,開發出多功能果蠅行為研究晶片。透過製程整合希望能符合多數實驗的需求,以批量化方式製造實現大規模進行實驗的可能。   本研究利用MEMS技術,將懲罰果蠅所需要用的懲罰器,與感測果蠅行為的位置感測器,透過製程整合以實現多功能果蠅行為研究晶片,並自外部整合懲罰器切換系統以進行懲罰器空間分佈的調控。本研究在此成功以批量化製造的製程實現多功能果蠅行為研究晶片,該晶片懲罰器的部分可成功的針對懲罰位置的分佈進行控制並懲罰到果蠅;位置感測元件也可成功的感測到果蠅所在的位置。未來還可再透過外部整合,將感測電路與控制系統等裝置進行整合,以完成多功能果蠅行為研究晶片系統。


For a long long time ago, scientists want to know how the brain works. One of the ways is using the easier brain - Drosophila brain and new biological technology to study. Recently, most of Drosophila behavior studying equipments has low throughput and needs lots of manpower to support large amount of research. Those machines were set for a single behavior experiment. Therefore, it’s not applicable to get enormous data and the machine can’t be used on other behavior experiments. This study intends to find a way to address those problems.   Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) technology is a batch process and can integrate different components in one chip. With this technology we can integrate punishers, which have a purpose for teaching Drosophila, and position sensors and for monitoring the behavior of Drosophila, into a multi-function behavior chip. The punish area can be altered by connecting it with switch system. In the end, we successfully finished the multi-function Drosophila behavior chip by MEMS batch process. The punisher can deliver electric shocks (punish) to stimulate Drosophila, and position sensor can sense the position of Drosophila successfully. We also can define the punisher pattern on the chip by connecting with switch system.   In the future, the behavior chip can be integrated with control system, capacitance sensing IC and other components to be a multi-function behavior chip system.


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