  • 學位論文

Computer-Assisted Multiple-Choice Cloze Item Generation


指導教授 : 張俊盛 劉顯親


Testing has long been acknowledged as an essential part of language teaching and learning and plays an important role to evaluate the language proficiency. However, the construction of a test is both time-consuming and labor-intensive. With the progress of information technology, computer-assisted item generation (CAIG) has been received considerable attention in the area of computer assisted language learning (CALL). In this thesis, we introduce a system to automatically generate multiple-choice cloze items, targeting at testing learner’s proficiency on collocation usages. The system utilizes natural language processing (NLP) techniques to extract collocations from a large corpus such as British National Corpus in advance. Then, verb-noun collocations within a given text are identified, and verb collocates are selected and blanked out automatically. Finally, for each blanked-out collocates, three choices are automatically generated to distract the test taker. The evaluation results indicate that the proposed method performs satisfactorily, and the automatic generated items are comparable to human-prepared items.


語言測驗一直以來被公認為語言教學與學習必要的一部分,在評量語言能力時也很重要。然而,出題卻是非常耗費時間與勞力的工作。隨著電腦科技的進步,電腦輔助產生試題的研究(Computer Assisted Item Generation,CAIG) 逐漸在電腦輔助語言教學(Computer Assisted Language Learning, CALL)領域中受到關注。在本論文針對學習者對於搭配詞用法的測驗,發展了一個自動產生克漏字選擇題系統。此系統利用自然語言處理技術,預先從英國國家語料庫擷取搭配詞做為參考資料,以供在使用者輸入的文章中偵測出動詞名詞結構搭配詞。而被偵測出動詞名詞結構搭配詞組中動詞部分,在文章之中將自動被挖空形成為答案,另外也自動產生誘答選項來混淆學生。實驗評估結果顯示本方法的效果令人滿意,且自動產生的選項也相當於一般人工出題選項。我們期望此線上克漏字選擇題產生系統不僅可以輔助教師編製試題,亦能提供給學習者自我學習與練習之用。


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