  • 學位論文


A study on applying IR-DSRC to vehicle-to-vehicle communications

指導教授 : 陳榮順


在交通顛峰時段,車輛經常發生追撞事故,其原因在於綿密的車流當中,車輛駕駛者無法保持安全的跟車距離,而在較短的跟車距離情況下,若前方發生緊急煞車事件,前方駕駛者的反應時間將隨著車次逐漸地累積,並使得駕駛者反應後之煞車時間與距離快速地縮短,而容易造成追撞事故。除了交通部門要求駕駛者保持安全的跟車距離以避免事故之外,本研究透過運用紅外線特定短距離通訊技術,提出一合作式車輛追撞警告系統,其透過車間通訊的方式消除駕駛者的反應延遲時間,進而避免追撞事故的發生,為一積極的解決辦法。 本研究使用實車測試的方式驗證合作式車輛追撞警告系統的可行性,由三輛車的單車道實車測試結果中可發現,此系統可為第三車駕駛者消除第二車駕駛者的反應延遲時間,而在第二車駕駛反應前,提供一可能發生緊急煞車及一發生緊急煞車的警告訊息。因此,第三車可達到及早減速以避免追撞事故。為了定位出發出警告訊息是否是來自鄰近車道之車輛以判斷出是否為假警報,本研究提出一種創新的三維紅外線定位系統,其可定位出發出紅外線訊號的車輛,並透過實車測試的方式來驗證此一定位系統的可行性;此外,本研究亦提出一基於此定位系統的車道辨識方法,一旦車輛發出緊急煞車訊息,鄰近的後方車輛可以辨識出其車道位置,僅有相同車道之車輛的警告訊息才會往後方傳遞。


Rear-end collision accidents often occur in the rush hours because a safe headway is difficult to be sustained by the drivers in a heavy traffic flow. Due to the accumulation of the response-delay of drivers, a hard brake of the leading vehicle may cause rear-end collisions for the following vehicles. One of the active solutions for rear-end collisions is to eliminate the response-delay of drivers by inter-vehicular communications. Based on the infrared dedicated short-range communication (IR-DSRC) technology and the vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) architecture, this study proposes a cooperative vehicular rear-end collision warning (RECW) system to avoid a rear-end collision. A single-lane experiment of three-vehicle system is set up to validate the analysis of the cooperative rear-end collision warning system and to demonstrate its feasibility in the field test. The results of experiments show that the proposed system effectively eliminates the response-delay of the second driver, while extending the time margin for a possible hard-brake warning to the third driver by sending out a clear hard-brake warning message, even before the second vehicle applies its brake. To locate a vehicle producing false alarms on the neighbor lane, this study proposes a novel 3D IR positioning system to locate the vehicle by its emitted IR signals, which is demonstrated by a two-vehicle field trial. Furthermore, a lane-recognition method based on the 3D IR positioning system is developed. Once a vehicle emitting an RECW alarm signal, the nearby vehicles can identify its lane-identity and only the alarms from vehicles on the same lane are propagated backwards. The experiments for lane-recognition are conducted to validate the proposed approach.


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