  • 學位論文


A Research of the Influence on the Internationalization of Human Resource and Recruitment Practice of Taiwanese Service Sector from the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement Signing

指導教授 : 林哲群 黃裕烈


在兩岸經貿交流日益緊密的趨勢下,未來台灣的企業經營布局觸角將更有機會廣泛地達到中國大陸各省份,落實「立足台灣,放眼中國」的戰略。此時,人才問題的重要性將會是關鍵點,因為優良的人才素質直接影響企業經營績效及生存,企業應該審時度勢,擬訂正確戰略,慎選優秀人才,才能掌握ECFA及服貿協議簽署後的龐大商機。鋻此,本研究希望藉由對服務業者深度訪談式的個案研究,了解服貿協議簽署後,對台灣的服務業者人力資源面究竟產生什麼樣的影響,並聚焦於人才國際化及招募作業的因應措施。 本研究透過選定的飯店、餐飲及保險業三位服務業的高階管理者及人力資源主管進行深度訪談及資料分析後發現,三家服務業者都對當前的基層人才感到不足,中高階人才有斷層現象,而且台灣服務業人才的國際化程度明顯不足。在面對中國大陸積極走向世界的威脅下,業者當務之急必須吸引優秀的國內外人才。雖然,目前國內薪資水準相較大陸並不高,但業者可以透過提供員工其他激勵因子作為誘因,例如員工的職涯發展、工時調整、薪資以外待遇等。


In the trend of more close cross-strait economic and trade exchange, the deployment of Taiwanese companies will have more chances to reach a wider range of provinces in China in the future, and implement the strategy of "based on Taiwan, look to China". In this case, the importance of talent will be the key point, because the excellent quality of talent has a direct impact on business performance and survival. Companies should assess the situation and formulate right strategy, and carefully choose talents in order to grasp the huge business opportunities from Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement and ECFA. Thus, this study will adopt multiple-cases study with in-depth interview of companies in service sector to understand the influence of Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement on service companies’ human resource, especially focus on the response measures of internationalization of talent and recruiting practice. After in-depth interviewing with three high-level managers and director of human resource in hotel, catering and insurance industries and data analyzing, we found the current grassroots talents are inadequate, and there is a fault phenomena in high and middle levels. The degree of talent’s internationalization of Taiwan's service industry is obviously insufficient. In the face of China’s threat of positively aiming to the world, Taiwanese companies need urgently to attract the best talents internally and externally. Although the domestic salary level compared to the mainland China is not high, but enterprises can provide incentives to employees as other motivated factors such as employee career development, adjustment of working hour, and treatments other than salary.


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