  • 期刊


A Study on the Operation Strategies of Taiwanese Banks after Mainland China's Banks Entered Taiwan




The study is to explore the business strategy of Taiwanese banks after China's banks established offices in Taiwan. This study makes use of literature, expertise interview, questionnaires, and it refers to the foreign banks' development strategy, in order to adopt SWOT analysis first to Taiwanese banks and then provide suggestions on the operational strategies of banking industry and government management. Our study finds that Taiwan's banks still have to maintain their original abundant experience in business and professionals in the future financial market; target customers should be focused on all sizes of corporations and Taiwanese merchants; promotion strategies should focus on financial innovation; channel strategies should make use of internet or mobile banks to make up the lack of service offices and build up a smooth way for foreign exchange; cross-strait enterprises can develop toward cooperating with secondary-city or rural banks, syndication loans to Taiwanese enterprises, strategic alliances, or equity anticipation; human resources strategies should focus on developing international and local talents and raising welfare of the experienced specialists. The government financial authorities should offer concrete measures, lest Taiwan's financial industry is impacted too severely after China's banks enter Taiwan. Furthermore, the authority should strengthen the quality of Taiwan's banks, elevate degrees of internationalization, and let them develop much better in the relatively open trend of cross-strait financial markets.


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