  • 學位論文

Post-Colonial Studies: Gender and Language: the Representation of Irishness in Dubliners

後殖民研究: 性別與語言 -《都柏林人》中愛爾蘭性的再現

指導教授 : 蕭嫣嫣


本篇論文以後殖民觀點探討《都柏林人》從性別關係及語言呈現的「愛爾蘭性」,並分析「愛爾蘭性」與當代國族發展的密切關係。以1845年的大飢荒做為歷史因素探討英國政府採用馬爾薩斯人口論消極處理饑荒;及殖民統治的麻木不仁。爾後,蓋爾特文藝復興運動的出現被認為是歷經七百多年的異族統治後,愛爾蘭逐漸復甦的民族國家意識。 本研究採用Homi Bhabha的模仿(mimicry)概念分析愛爾蘭男性因殖民統治而受挫的男性氣概,討論愛爾蘭男性以模仿(mimicry)抒發受壓迫的自我並欺壓弱勢婦女。由性別及後殖民角度出發,分析愛爾蘭女性受雙重壓迫歧視的困境及邊緣化(trivialization)的社會地位,。第三章檢視《都柏林人》角色的語言口誤及其象徵的政治意義,採用Bill Ashcroft挪用(appropriation)、放棄(abrogation)概念分析《都柏林人》的語言政治現實。喬伊斯式英語(Joycean english)的寫作表達文化差異存在的必然,也是抵抗帝國霸權的文化策略。 本研究以敘述政治觀點出發,分析喬伊斯的寫作策略傳達出帝國無法同化其他文化。角色的語言口誤進而開啟文化解放之窗。相較於蓋爾柱文藝復興者及殖民主義者將愛爾蘭固定於某形象,本文強調喬伊斯創造出新的愛爾蘭文化精神。喬伊斯想像的「愛爾蘭性」拒絕矮化各種文化同時拒絕被矮化,喬伊斯期待的「愛爾蘭性」是兼容並蓄的多元文化價值。


This thesis explores the concept of Irishness in terms of gander and language. My study focuses on the historical reality of the Great Famine and its consequences. From the post-colonial perspective, my study presents the British government’s inhumanity in saving the hungry country. Chapter One examines Gaelic Revival as both a burgeoning of national consciousness against British cultural hegemony. Chapter Two adopts Homi Bhabha’s idea of Mimicry to analyze Irish males’ frustrated masculinity. My study presents that Irish men mimic the pattern of colonial oppression to regain the lost masculine dignity. In terms of gender relationship, this study argues that Irish females were doubly-marginalized. From the perspective of gender and post-colonial studies, I present the significance of women was trivialized. Chapter Three discusses the conversational aberrations in Dubliners by employing Bill Ashcroft’s concept of appropriation and abrogation of languages. Linguistic errors reveal that another culture has existed before the British one. The aberrant usage of standard English presents that the imperial language cannot be completely accommodated into the British form of presentation. From the point of narrative politics, Joyce’s writing strategy presents the impossibility of imperial cultural assimilation. Hence, the characters’ conversational errors open the door of liberation. Resisting to fix Ireland to a typical image, my research focuses that Joyce initiates a new conception of Irishness, which rejects to marginalize other cultures and to be marginalized. Joyce visualizes a mother Ireland inclusive of hybrid cultural values.


James Joyce Dubliners Post-Colonial Irishness


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