  • 學位論文


The Measurement and Database of Hand Surface Area

指導教授 : 游志雲


本研究主要利用三維人體掃描量測二種手部表面積,包含手部體表面積(HSA)與手掌投影面積(PSA),並藉以建立其資料庫與估算式。手部表面積在許多應用上是極重要的參考指標,然而在以往研究中,相關的量測方法與估算式的建立可能有所偏誤,且不同研究間之結果有著極大的差異,以致於在應用時被錯誤引用或產生困擾。由於三維人體掃描技術的發展,可獲得更為精確的體表面積資料值。因此本研究利用高解析度的三維手部掃描儀對手部進行掃描,其精確度經驗證在0.67%以內;並利用表面積計算軟體(Anthro 3-D),求取出HSA與PSA以及佔全身體表面積(BSA)的比值。本研究依五種身高與三種體重來進行分群抽樣,男女各135人進行量測,以建立手部表面積的資料庫。本研究發現以往研究的HSA與PSA分別高估了8.0%與10.7%;性別、體重與身高均會顯著的影響HSA與PSA。在% HSA/BSA與% PSA/BSA方面,其平均比值分別為2.29%(S.D. 0.24%)與0.89%(S.D. 0.09%),且會因體重與性別而有所差異。除資料庫外,本研究由掃描結果中擷取六個一維尺寸以作為HSA與PSA估算式的候選指標,再利用迴歸分析的方式找到手掌長與手掌圍的組合為最適當的估算指標:可分別解釋96%與98%的HSA與PSA變異。比起以往的相關研究,本研究所建立的手部表面積估算式較為精確許多。


This study is to measure hand surface area (HSA) and palm surface area (PSA) using 3-D scan, and establish the database and estimation formulae. The hand surface area is a very important reference in many applications. Nevertheless, the measurement methods of hand surface area were inaccuracy and the resultant data are significantly varied among different researches in the past. Thus there were wrong data and confused in practical application. Due to the advent of 3-D measurement technology, we intend to use the high resolution 3-D hand scanner to measure the hand of 270 samples, 135 for each gender. The samples will be proportionally drawn among 5 statures and 3 body weights based on population distribution. The precision and accuracy of the scanner is within 0.67%. We will apply the Anthro 3-D computing software to compute the two kind of hand surface area and the percentages of total body surface area to establish a hand surface area database. First, the results of HSA and PSA are tabulated on 15 strata for the male, the female and the Total (two genders combined). A comparison between this study and previous textbook values (such as the Lund and Browder chart and the UK teaching text) show that previous textbooks over estimated HSA 8.0 % and PSA 10.7% for the total. Gender, body weight group and stature group were significant factors. The mean %HSA/BSA and mean %PSA/BSA were found to be 2.29% (0.24%) and 0.89% (0.09%), respectively. Gender and body weight group were significant factors. Then 6 1-D measurements were extracted semi-automatically to be used as candidate estimators for HSA and PSA estimation formulae. Stepwise regressions on these 6 1-D measurements and variable dependency test were performed. The results show that with a pair of measurements -- hand length and hand breadth -- is able to account 96% of HSA variance and up to 98% of PSA variance. Finally, the accuracy of this study is better than previous studies.


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