  • 學位論文

Periodicity Search for Possible X-ray Counterparts to Radio-quiet Gamma-ray Pulsar Candidates


指導教授 : 張祥光


Periodicity search in gamma-ray data is usually difficult because of the small number of detected photons. A periodicity in the timing signal of other energy bands from the counterpart of the gamma-ray source may help to establish the periodicity in the gamma-ray emission and therefore strengthen the identification of the source in different energy bands. It may, however, still be difficult to find the period directly from X-ray data such as the case of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars. We develop a procedure, by cross-checking at least two X-ray data sets, to find candidate periods for some specified sources. To avoid a blind search with a huge number of trials, these candidate periods can serve as the target periods for future search when new data become available. We present some example results of this method, which are helpful for finding the next radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars. Several X-ray counterparts to GeV sources were studied in this work. Based on the results of our timing analysis, inferred physical properties of these possible radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars are compared with the existing gamma-ray pulsars. We suggest that the cause of Geminga being radio-quiet is geometric, instead of intrinsic.


由於伽瑪射線波段的天文觀測資料能提供的光子數有限, 因此利用此波段的數據來尋找週期一直是一件困難的事. 但如果從其他波段所提供的觀測資料出發, 找尋特定高能天體在其他波段上可能相對應的天體, 藉由其他波段所提供較完善的資料, 可以有比較高的機會去找到疑似週期的訊號. 這樣的訊號, 不但可以用來當作尋找高能波霎在伽瑪射線波段的脈衝的參考, 也可以強化一個天體在不同觀測波段間的相互辨識及定義. 在這個研究之中主要是利用X射線波段的觀測資料來尋找〃缺乏無線電輻射的伽瑪射線波霎〃之旋轉週期. 然而, 藉由X射線波段的資料盲目的尋找疑似週期的訊號仍然是相當困難, 因為過多的嘗試次數會降低結果在統計上的意義. 因此, 我們藉由至少兩筆數據資料間的相互比對, 發展出一套尋找特定天體其週期的訊號的方法. 我們所得到的結果, 可以提供未來有更好的觀測資料來做同一天體其週期訊號搜尋時的依據而避免掉盲目的嘗試所帶來的龐大測試次數. 依據我們的發展的方法, 我們舉出一些例子說明這方法有助於找到下一個〃缺乏無線電輻射的伽瑪射線波霎〃. 在我們的討論中研究了許多具有高能 (GeV) 輻射的天體在X射線波段上的對應天體. 藉由我們在時間分析上得到的結果和推定這些可能為〃缺乏無線電輻射的伽瑪射線波霎〃的天體其物理性質與目前已知的伽瑪射線波霎做比較之後, 我們建議之所以Geminga這個波霎缺乏無線電輻射的探測其原因應該是來自幾何上的問題而非中子星內部本質上的特異性, 也就是說, 應該只是Geminga波霎其無線電輻射的方向並沒有掃過地球而導致這個天體沒辦法在無線電波段上觀測到.


neutron stars pulsars gamma-rays X-rays HASH(0x1c34cb90)


