  • 學位論文


Implementation of Web Service Middleware for Web Service Client Application on Portable Devices

指導教授 : 石維寬


現今有許多服務都是以網路服務的形式開放給大眾使用,人們也漸漸的習慣使用這些服務,如上網購票,上網購物等。又因現在的行動式手持系統的連結能力不再單一侷限在GSM的通訊協定上,還具備透過無線網路對外連結的功能,這項擴充讓行動式手持設備也能夠像桌上型電腦一般遨遊於網際網路,享受多年來網際網路平台上面所發展的各項應用服務與成果,因此架設手持系統上面的網路服務環境也變得相當重要。然而目前眾多應用於嵌入式系統上的網路服務技術都採用較為方便的靜態方式,即一個網路服務就得為其量身打造出相對的用戶端應用程式,如此一來若要同時使用多種不同的網路服務就必須一一為其打造數種不同的程式,而且同一個程式還不允許使用別種不同的網路服務,此種方法欠缺彈性。有鑑於此,在本論文中,我們將根據現有的Web Services Framework規劃出更具彈性之網路服務中介軟體(Mobile Web Service Middleware Framework),用戶端的應用程式可透過API與middleware層溝通,middleware會根據使用者的指示去搜尋相關網路服務 (網路服務搜尋,Web Service Discovery) ,再將這些從不同伺服器所搜尋得來的各項網路服務組合成另外一項新的服務 (網路服務整合, Web Service Composition)或依照喜好從中選定一個最適當的服務(Service Selection) ,最後再依據各WSDL檔中所指示的連結方式存取網路服務 (網路服務連結,Web Service Binding)。 本論文的主要目的,除了將分散各地的網路服務連結起來之外,還能使應用程式開發者更簡單、快速的完成一套網路服務應用程式,而不必了解底層相關的規範細節。


Nowadays many services are created in the form of web services, and a lots of people get used to use them. They buy tickets or go shopping on the Internet. In the past, only GSM protocol could be used on mobile systems but now many mobile systems equip with WiFi module. It means that mobiles could consume many kinds of web services on the Internet by wireless LAN (WLAN) just like desktop. And the topic of how to build web services execution environment on mobile device is getting important. However, lots of techniques are based on static building. It means that one program only fits a kind of web service. If we want to consume many kinds of web services, we have to develop many client applications in order to fit our requirement. This way is poor, and lacks of flexibility. So in the rest of this thesis we will base on the state-of-the-art technology on web services to design more flexible mobile web services middleware framework. In our design, client applications can communicate with middleware by API that middleware exposed and the middleware will follow the requirements of users to discovery the web services (web service discovery), combine these web services to create a new web service (web service composition) or just select one of them (web service selection), and bind this web services (web service binding) follow the information of the WSDL file. In addition to combine distributed web services, the main motivation of this thesis is to provide a simpler and faster way to build client application for software programmers. Moreover, the detail of web service related standards is unnecessary to be understood by using middleware API during developing application.


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