  • 學位論文


Customer Transaction Errors and their CorrespondingRemedies~Examples from the Security Trading

指導教授 : 黎正中 丘宏昌


台灣證券市場初期的買賣雛形,由實體交易、交割,逐漸演變至目前的虛擬下單交易、交割,改寫四十餘年來股票買賣流通的傳統交易方式。 民國五十三年台灣證券交易所終於誕生,直到七十八年股市上萬點,於是乎,有價證券對產業經濟價值,深俱波動範圍其影響力,可說是到達最巔峰之全盛期。 一般生活上所仰賴的服務,每天都存在您我之間,有形服務連鎖供應鍊也創造無數商機與國民就業機會,然而,提供優質服務則是企業鎮寶之鑰,動能的心臟,若將服務失誤建立起圓融及完善之服務補救機制,進行補救時掌握的十大原則,相信更能穩固顧客忠誠度、提昇滿意度,並以積極真誠的心為出發點,將危機化解為轉機,最終目的探討服務業之失誤與補救對顧客的心理層面影響。 服務業涵蓋種類繁多,就金融服務業中證券業之獨特性、重要性略為描述。 服務失誤的發生進行補救的執行,完成依照行政院金融督導管理委員證期局相關法規施行,轉呈實際發生案例,提出鉅額錯帳事件解決問題其作業流程,行政主管機關督導,下單控管機制及降低作業風險,與受託買賣分層負責制度之電腦控管,應落實之再重申。 服務失誤對股市造成動盪不安的深刻影響,本論文研究將實例結果提出探討,法律面、市場面、風險控管面、補強管理面,藉由多方資料、數據、檔案的閱讀、私下拜會訪談、直接、間接觀察,及十八年證券營業員工作領域及個人粗淺心得,對結論與建議有所期許,希望有更多、更完善的具體策略,集思廣意,為提昇台灣股市證券,金融服務業優越品質而注入更多的努力。


Taiwan stock exchange was formed in 1964 but it is not until 1989 when the stock market reached its highest peak, the impact of stock market on the overall flow of money was felt. Trading has since evolved from broker transaction which dominated the market for the past 40 years, to a client driven online exchange. Security brokerage service is regulated heavily by the Financial Supervisory Commission of the Executive Yuan, largely because of the possible detrimental impact it has on the flow of fund should there be misconduct or fraud. Security trade must follow strict protocols and heavily monitored through a sophisticated IT system by the Executive Yuan to reduce the possibility of human errors. Stock brokerage and so many service oriented businesses have becoming part of our daily life. Good service is therefore the key to business success. This is particularly true when it comes to customer service management with regard to human errors. Businesses must find ways to calm customer’s initial dismay and show genuine concerns, and lead the customer to a path of satisfactory resolution and loyalty retention. The main thrust of this thesis is to discuss the potential impact stock market trading errors have on the governing law, money market, indemnity, and reprimand management using actual cases that occurred in the past. All information are the collective result of authors research from books, periodicals, the internet, interviews, and direct or indirect personal observation as a seasoned professional stock broker. The author hopes to elevate the service quality of the security trading in Taiwan by providing possible strategies and suggestions.


10. 林陽助,吳旻益,.服務失誤、服務補救與顧客滿意度關係之研究-以行動電話通路商為例227-268,2005。
14. 林陽助,吳旻益,.服務失誤、服務補救與顧客滿意度關係之研究-以行動電話通路商為例227-268,2005。
27. 資料來源:行政院金融監督管理委員會 證期局 重大裁罰公布(函)
1. 蘇秀玲,網路證券交易管理與投資人保護以美國為借鏡(上)。
2. 黃河明,以商業智慧強化數位決策能力。
