  • 學位論文


Value Innovations and Business Model of Chunghwa Telecom Co.

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


十幾年前,想同時攜帶相機、隨身聽、電話、Notebook、電視機…這些重裝備出門,如果不是在搬家,那肯定是瘋了。但隨著數位化的發展,智慧型手機、3G無線網路、光纖上網與隨選電視的普及化,讓一切成真。 人手一支的smart phone,隨時打卡,下載好玩應用程式,這樣便利的生活方式,已讓人無法抗拒。但電信業者除了每月的月租費收取,並無法從中獲得更多收益。當有線電視業者狂推第四台與cable上網優惠時,電信業者警覺決戰最後一哩的時刻到了。 當電信業者宣布邁向數位匯流的同時,他們必須滿足消費者的需求,也必須改變現有的經營模式與更多的價值創新,來贏得消費者的青睞。 本研究應用價值鏈、價值創新、價值網與經營模式理論,來探討數位匯流下,電信業者的價值創新與經營模式,並以個案分析方式,以中華電信做為研究個案,並收集相關報章雜誌文章來驗證說明中華電信因應數位匯流所做的改變與努力。第四章為中華電信概況分析;第五章為中華電信的創新與經營模式;第六章為結論與建議。 綜合上述,本研究除了對中華電信的建議外,同時也對產官學提出幾點建議,並列出有待深入研究的議題,提供有興趣的先進進一步的研究與探討。


It must be crazy for us to carry camera, walkman, phone, Notebook, TV out a decade ago. However, everything comes true when smartphone, 3G wireless internet, and multimedia on demand TV in common. When consumers have a smart phone, they can download lots of applications from App stores and record the locations in Facebook. It is hard for us to reject this convenience life. However, the Carries is difficult to gain lots of benefit except monthly sum limit charge. When Cable TV vendors combine cable TV with Cable internet to promote, Carries warm that it is the time for them to grasp the last mile. When Carries announce digital convergence is coming, they must fulfill customer demands and change their business model and deliver more values to get customer’s flavor. The present study adopts several approaches: value chain, value innovations, and value net analysis to investigate Carries’s value innovations and business model in the digital convergence trend. This study adopts Chunghwa Telecom Co. to be the focal case and collects related articles to investigate how Chunghwa Telecom deals with the digital convergence. The results provide a framework of value innovation in the industry.


‐‐ 全球IP STB 產業現況與發展趨勢 2008
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